Playful Concubine Le

Chapter 2558 3 message

Chapter 2558 Three Messages
No wonder the two of them like to ask her all kinds of admiration and feelings for Lord Mo Ling when they are free!
They just watched her joke on purpose at that time, right? !
What a bad idea!
Su Ya was scratching the wall again!
Soon afterwards, she thought of the words Jun Yunqing had said to her when he left.

What makes her take good care of it...

She exploded all at once!The whole face is extremely red!It's like boiled red shrimp!
"I, I, I... I suddenly realized that I have something to do! Let's go first!" Su Ya fled in despair.

"Hey? Su Ya? Where are you going! You don't know anyone here!"

There is something else!This girl, isn't she happy and silly?

Elder Zhang looked at the back who was about to flee, with doubts on his face.

This girl, doesn't she usually say that she admires adults the most?
How come you know Brother Min is an adult now, and run so fast?

Obviously, Mr. Zhang doesn't understand Su Ya's heart for a little girl!
Suddenly, I found that the person I admired and admired was the one I secretly liked!The two overlap, and Su Ya's heart of a little girl can't take it anymore!
If Jun Yunqing was here, she would definitely understand what happened to Su Ya!

It's like the 21st century, those fans worship their idols so much.

In the end, I found out in a blink of an eye that the little brother next door I liked was my idol!
That sour Su Ya's mood at the moment!

Just when Su Ya was shocked by the huge landmine and fled, Jun Yunqing also bought the news she wanted in the news building.

"The remaining power of the ancestor? The core of the defense of Tiansheng City, Tiansheng Temple, may have the answer you need."

In the completely dark grid, Jun Yunqing asked his own question.

Soon, I got the corresponding answer.

"It is said that when the ancestor fell, he gave part of his own power to the Heavenly Holy City! This is to resist the attack of foreign races!"

"This time, the defenses of the Twelve Main Cities and the Heavenly Sacred City were fully activated during the foreign race's general attack, and they joined together to resist the crazy attack of the foreign races! The core of this is the Heavenly Sacred Shrine! Among them, there should be the Holy Ancestor remnants of power."

The black market really deserves to be a black market.

Not only perfectly gave the news Jun Yunqing wanted, but also gave the proof and reliability of the exact source of the news.

Jun Yunqing is very satisfied!

Sure enough, it was right to come here to buy news after listening to what A Ying said!

Such news is absolutely impossible to buy outside!I can't even find out!

After all, the core secrets involved are no longer accessible to ordinary people!
After all, it is the top level of the Twelve Main Cities, even the people from the Ancestral Association!

The black market in Kazami Castle is really powerful!
What news can be collected unexpectedly!

But Jun Yunqing also knows that only the black market has such a channel for buying and selling news!
After all, over the years, there have been quite a few people who have turned back to the Twelve Main Cities and the Heavenly Sacred City due to various incidents!
Coupled with the uniqueness of black market transactions, it is normal to have such news transactions!

"Okay! I see! There is another question, how can I enter the Tiansheng Temple? Do you have a channel?"

The voice paused after hearing the words, and then slowly said: "No."

"Tiansheng Shrine is the core of the entire human camp, and it is the strongest defense against alien attacks. Except for the lords of the twelve main cities and the six ancestors of the Ancestral Association, no one can enter the Tiansheng Shrine without authorization."

"Is it okay to inherit from the holy ancestors?" Jun Yunqing asked.

If Ah Ying's identity is okay, then let Ah Ying restore her identity, so that there is no such trouble!

"Heir of the holy ancestor? It is enough to be recognized by the Ancestors' Association and the Twelve Main Cities." The voice said.

"Otherwise, even he would have no way to enter. The outer perimeter of the Heavenly Holy Shrine is controlled by people from the Ancestral Association and covered with the power of the world spirit. The lords of the twelve main cities can enter it with the control authority of the main city. ! Others, no."

In other words, it is not enough for Bei Mingying to have the status of the heir of the holy ancestor.

Recognized by the Twelve Main Cities and the Ancestral Association... It's better to directly become the Lord of the main city!This way you can go in directly!
Jun Yunqing thought about it seriously.

Just then, the voice dropped.

"The three questions have been asked, and the top-secret level is the same as the first one. Please leave after paying the fee."

After all, the voice completely disappeared.

The news building on the black market only sells three questions at a time.Fees are charged according to the confidentiality of the information.

For example, the three questions Jun Yunqing asked are of the highest level!
In other words, all are the highest charges!
Just asking one is enough to bankrupt a family like the Shangguan family!

However, it is generally possible to reach the third-level pass order, and the opposing force has the strength to pay the fee.

This is also the reason why the other party did not refuse to answer Jun Yunqing's next two questions.

Jun Yunqing Jun Yunqing's warrant authority means that she has enough financial resources to pay.


The steward stayed outside, and after the voice in the small grid disappeared, Jun Yunqing was sent out.

The channels and sources of the news are all top secret, and no one will know.

The origins of people like Jun Yunqing who bought news will never be leaked.

"En." Jun Yunqing nodded, took out more than a dozen top-quality ancestral artifacts from his storage ring, and threw them to the other party.

"Let's estimate the price. You don't need to look for more."

As she said that, she walked out of the news building, leaving the steward looking at the dozens of top-quality ancestral artifacts in her hand in shock, and pinched her thigh several times before recovering!

Oh my God!
So many superb ancestor artifacts!

What was the origin of that guest just now?
I'm afraid that ordinary half-ancestors can't come up with such a skill, right?

Just when the steward was shocked, Jun Yunqing had already left the news building quickly.

She threw out more than a dozen top-quality ancestral artifacts, not because she was burning too much money, but because she wanted to calm down the opponent in an instant, and then left calmly.

Although the channels of the black market are claimed to be the safest, Jun Yunqing never believes in these falsehoods!
She still prefers to go at her own pace!

Since she is going to enter the Tianshengshen Palace, she must not reveal the news that she has inquired about it!
Unavoidable to be followed by others, Jun Yunqing directly threw out a bunch of top-quality ancestor artifacts generously!
Anyway, she has a lot of those things!Don't find too many in the general database of alien races!

Even the Supreme Ancestral Artifact, she has several pieces.

Of course, most of them were damaged, and they were not as powerful as Shengwutang.

Obviously, they are all ordinary Supreme Ancestral Artifacts.

After getting the answer he wanted, Jun Yunqing did not stay in the black market any longer.

After coming out of the news building, he left the black market directly.

After leaving the auction venue, she found a dark and remote place, threw away the disguise she was wearing, and returned to the crowd.

In this way, even if someone in the black market followed her out, it would be impossible to find her.

Jun Yunqing walked towards the drug market, and as soon as he reached the gate of the drug market, he heard a familiar angry shout from inside.

"Han Dongliu! How dare you!"

(End of this chapter)

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