Dijun, your medical concubine has gone against the sky again

Chapter 1295 I really want to see the savior

Chapter 1295 I really want to see the savior (4)
Ye Yan took out the little silver dragon from his wide sleeves, flattened it in his hand, rounded it, knotted it, straightened it, untied it again, and twisted it into a twist...

Miss Yun was in a cold sweat, and it was the first time she knew that the dragon could still be used to play like this after transforming into its real body.

He bet fifty cents, this guy must have deliberately taken the opportunity to retaliate against his senior brother who sang against him before...

"I said boss, aren't you afraid that one day after you turn back into your real body, I will play with you like this?"

She raised her hand weakly, reminding him that enough is enough, but Ye Yan just looked up at her coldly: "You can try if you have the courage."

Miss Yun: "..."

Xiao Yinlong wailed twice, showing an expression that he didn't know whether it was pain or joy, and a pair of beautiful purple eyes stared fiercely at the boss, with a fierce look in his eyes, as if he wished to tear him to pieces.

However, his strength seemed to be suppressed by the seal of the boss. Apart from baring his teeth and staring, he didn't have any actual attacking moves.

The corners of Yun Qian's eyes twitched.

"Okay, stop playing with senior brother, I'll take you to a place, and deal with business first."

She couldn't help but dragged him to the cave she found in the back mountain...

Yunqian directly destroyed the blood pool in the middle of the cave, and asked the boss to release those who were locked in the iron cage waiting for bloodletting, and prepared to send them out.

But before leaving, Ye Yan stopped him.

"First let someone take you to the villa to take care of and rest. No one is allowed to leave until the situation is stable."

Yun Qian looked up at him in surprise, not knowing why.

But this girl always believed in the boss's words to be the truth, she didn't rush to ask the reason for a while, and immediately went to the villa to ask someone to take the living person here to take care of her.

Afterwards, Ye Yan reminded her that the identities of these captured people were unknown, if they encountered some ruthless characters, after they went out, they would bring people to flatten this place for revenge. Trouble.

Yun Qian nodded belatedly.

The boss found a place where the Lord of the Holy Realm was temporarily imprisoned, and when the barrier was closed, he threw a ray of flames into it.

The crimson flames rushed up along the soles of the Holy Realm Lord's feet, enveloping him in the flames in the blink of an eye.

The flame didn't seem to harm Mo Qiancheng's body, but burned his soul directly, and a shrill scream resounded through the entire secret room.

Ye Yan remained expressionless and remained motionless, but Yun Qian was already terrified, and her whole body was not well.

"I said, if you set fire to it directly like this, the Lord of the Holy Realm can solve it, but...won't it be good or bad if you burn the senior brother?"

Ye Yan glanced at her from the corner of his eye, then immediately raised his hand, flicking a ray of flames on her body.

Miss Yun screamed and jumped away, but she still took a step too late. In the blink of an eye, she was completely surrounded by the flames.


She screamed and hurriedly begged him to put out the fire. After talking for a long time, Ye Yan didn't want to pay attention to her at all.

Ms. Yun also realized belatedly that she seemed to be fine.

She was stunned for a moment, then tentatively raised her hand to touch the crimson flame that enveloped her, and the next moment, she raised her eyebrows.

"Hey... no temperature..."

Ye Yan flicked his sleeves indifferently, and turned his gaze to Mo Qiancheng in the barrier: "The fire of the soul condensed from the power in the Fire Spirit Orb will only burn those things that shouldn't exist."

(End of this chapter)

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