Chapter 1463 Dragon Phoenix Jade Pendant (8)
"Then what is he?" Xiao Yunqian stared in surprise, "Phoenix? Could it be that he is the legendary young master of Phoenix?"

The corners of Xiao Jiu's eyes twitched fiercely: "You mean, did he break his back with the boss?"

Yun Qian blinked: "You said it yourself, it has nothing to do with me."

Little Nine→_→

"Look at his skill, he is obviously not someone who is born unknown, he is not the adopted son of Ye Xiu, and he is not the young master of Phoenix Valley. Who could he be?" The wrinkles between Yun Qian's eyebrows deepened. , "But judging by his ferocious appearance, he should be an enemy rather than a friend. We'd better be careful."

On this point, Little Fox quite agrees, but...

"Are we being beaten passively here?"

"Otherwise, you have a way to kill him?" Yunqian looked up at the sky, with a look of lovelessness on his face, "Fortunately, he won't hurt us for a while, so he just uses his hand to help us find the boss. At that time, we don't have to be afraid of him..."

"It seems to be the only way..."

"What can I do?"

A cold voice came from the right, Xiao Yunqian was shocked, subconsciously looked back, only to find that the man in red had come back.

She was stunned for a long time, until the person walked in front of her, and she came back to her senses belatedly: "Why did you come back so quickly?"

"What else? How long should I go?"

The man in red glanced over with a murderous gaze, and Yun Qian immediately shut up knowingly, pretending to be a well-behaved mute.

The man in red untied the rope on her body, and brought her a pot of chicken soup that seemed to be just boiled.

Ms. Yun was holding the soup pot with a perplexed face: "What is this?"


The other party dumped her one word succinctly, as if he didn't want to say more.

The corner of Miss Yun's mouth twitched slightly: "Of course I know it's soup, but what I want to ask is, where did it come from?"

If she remembers correctly, this guy should have gone hunting just now, but in the blink of an eye, it seems that catching a chicken is not enough. Where did he get the time to boil the chicken into soup?

The man in red was silent.

Miss Yun blinked cutely, remembering his bad behavior towards that half-baked king just now, she couldn't help but widen her eyes in surprise: "You didn't snatch this pot of soup from someone else, did you?"

The man in red pursed his lips and remained silent, but Yun Qian knew from his expression that he had acquiesced.

Ms. Yun could already imagine him holding a knife on someone's neck and asking them if they want soup or die.

She silently raised her hand to cover her face, she really didn't want to admit that she knew this lunatic.

"I said you have hands and feet, why are you going to snatch them, this forest is so big, we can kill one at random, can't we do it ourselves?"

The man in red seemed to be silent for a while, before he said uncertainly: "I heard people say that pregnant women drink more soup, which is good for their children..."

Ms. Yun nodded, acting as if she had suddenly realized something, but suddenly thought of something, her eyes widened suddenly: "How do you know I'm pregnant?"

The man in red stared at her coldly: "Do you think I'm really stupid?"

Miss Yun is silent.

To be honest, if he didn't expose her suddenly, she would really think so.

She paused for two seconds, filled two cups of chicken soup with a bowl, passed one of the cups to him flatteringly, and sat down beside him with the bowl herself: "May I ask, can you find the one on the painting?" Man, what is the matter?"

 _(??ω??」∠)_There was a power outage at home, I sat at the door, watching the rain code words...

(End of this chapter)

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