Chapter 2553

Egg cubs are gone.

After searching around and around, Xin Lin did not find the egg cub.

She also tried to call Egg Cub, but Egg Cub still didn't appear.

This kind of situation has never happened since Xin Lin got the egg cub.

The relationship between Xin Lin and Danzai is different from the general host and summoning spirit. The relationship between her and Danzai is equal and free.

Apart from a Sealing Talisman No. [-], Xin Lin currently has no clues to find the egg cub.

Seeing that the sky was already pitch black, Egg Cub was still nowhere to be seen.

Xin Lin couldn't help feeling a little worried.

After thinking about it, she finally came up with a solution.

She took out a bell and shook it lightly. This was the first time she really used a "heart bell."

She has never used the communication tool that Guihu forged for her.

This time, the reason why she didn't intend to bring it out at first was because Dan Zai secretly hid it in Fengling Talisman No. [-] without telling her.

Egg Cub usually likes this bell very much.

But this time, after it left rashly, the bell was not taken away.

She had no clue and could only pin her hopes on Gui Hu.

The crisp ringing of the bell spread far and wide.

Xin Lin felt uneasy. She forcibly sealed Guihu in the No. [-] Fengling Talisman and let the little fox take it away.

She didn't know if that guy's anger had subsided.

After waiting for a while, Gui Hu still didn't appear.

Not only the ghost guard, even the little fox disappeared.

Xin Lin couldn't help feeling a little angry.

One by one, they all ran away from home, right?

Egg cubs are like this.

Ghost Hu is like this.

Even little foxes.

"What kind of nonsense summoner, I'm afraid there is no more tragic summoner than me in history."

Xin Lin was so angry that she threw the bell to the ground.

When the bell fell to the ground, her eyelids twitched.

He picked up the bell with some distress.

"Stingy Bara's tsundere corpse, what are you mad at me for? I'm not doing it for your own good. If the holy master finds out and beats you to death, I'll be happy instead."

Xin Lin puffed up, stared at the bell with widened eyes.

The bell was silent.

"Who are you talking about, the soul flies away?"

A cool voice came from behind him.

Xin Lin was shocked, and when he turned his head, he saw Gui Hu standing beside him.

Behind him stood a little fox triumphantly.

The little fox had an expression of asking for credit, as if to say that Gui Hu was willing to come over because of it.

Gui Hu was really annoyed by Xin Lin's actions.

It's not because she directly sealed herself in the spirit sealing talisman, but because she is annoyed that she doesn't know what to do.

Who is that saint?

She dared to put aside herself and face it alone.

She was lucky not to be found.

If she is discovered by the holy master, her identity is in doubt, and her fate can be imagined.

"What do you mean, I mean, thank you for not meeting you, that holy master would have been beaten to death by you."

Xin Lin immediately "corrected" his speech problems, looking like a dog leg.

"Heh~ I've been locked up for a while, and my ability to flatter horses has improved. If you're so capable, how can you ring a bell? If you have the ability, go find that idiot by yourself. Big and small, they all look the same. It's more than success than failure. .”

Gui Hu obviously didn't like this, looking at Xin Lin's eyes, he almost froze Xin Lin to death.

When Xin Lin heard this, he couldn't hold back the bad breath in his heart. He immediately raised his brows, glared at Gui Hu, and became furious.

(End of this chapter)

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