Chapter 2593

"Seven Killing Curse!"

Seeing the Big Dipper, Lu Yuan was very excited.

The Seven Killing Curse they were looking for so hard, they found it.

"To shut up."

At this moment, the little prince Tuyuan doesn't care about the Seven Killing Curse at all.

He only knew that when "Xin Lin"'s gaze fell on him, he felt a sense of suffocation.

The sense of crisis of being stared at by a beast is something he has never experienced before.

"Captain? Why are you shaking so much? We're fine now, the Seven Killing Curse has been broken."

Lu Yuan was puzzled.

Although he also felt that "Xin Lin" was a little too powerful, he didn't think too much about it.

The Xin Lin in front of him was still the same Xin Lin.

"Captain, why are you shaking? Are you afraid of me?"

"Xin Lin" said with a smile.

The voice was clear and sweet, but it fell into the ears of the little prince Tuyuan, but there was an indescribably weird feeling.

"You like me a lot, don't you?"

"Xin Lin" smiled lightly.

Tu Yuan's little prince was tongue-tied.

He opened his mouth, and before he could say the word "Like", he saw "Xin Lin" staring at him gloomily.

That look, like a poisonous snake.

At this time, if he dared to admit that he liked Xin Lin, he was afraid that the other party would wring his neck off with one hand, just like wringing a chicken to death.

The little prince Tuyuan suddenly thought of the warning his master gave him before he left.

Be careful with Long Teng's Xin Lin.

There are indications that she may have colluded with the corpse king.

Corpse King, the holder of Futian Pill.

Rumor has it that he escaped the nets laid out by Shengshi and others, and stole Futian Pill.

The little prince didn't take the poisonous sage's words to heart.

Because during the time he spent with Xin Lin, Xin Lin had always been very approachable.

Also, she is still a "overlord girl."

Aside from the fact that his body was suddenly big and small, which was a bit unexpected, the young prince Tuyuan did not deny that he had a good impression of Xin Lin.

If Xin Lin finds a way to become a normal person in the future, the young prince Tuyuan wants to confess his love to her.

But at this moment, how dare the little prince Tuyuan have such an idea.

He was so frightened by "Xin Lin" in front of him that he couldn't move.

"Who said I like you. Even if I like Lu Yuan, I won't like you."

The little prince, who was full of desire to survive, grabbed Lu Yuan who was beside him.

Lu Yuan was dumbfounded.

"Captain? Are you crazy?"

Lu Yuan had goosebumps all over his body.

"Captain, I like Ziyue, I'm not interested in men at all."

Lu Yuan asked for help and looked at Xin Lin.

He was taken aback for a moment.

"The Big Dipper, why did it change color?"

In Xin Lin's hand, the upside-down Big Dipper, the first star, has turned black.

Immediately afterwards, the second starburst also turned black.

I think it was like lighting up the stars earlier, but in front of my eyes, those stars are turning black little by little.

"She" is refining the Seven Killing Curse.

The little prince Tuyuan knew it in his heart, but he couldn't speak.

"Have you thought it through? Do you like 'me'?"

"Xin Lin" took his time and continued to stare at the little prince.

"If I don't like her, I will definitely not like Xin Lin. If I dare to like her, I will be gutted and die!"

The little prince spoke quickly, as if swearing poisonously.

"Unfortunately... I don't believe it."

Unexpectedly, "Xin Lin" shook his head.

At this time, five of the inverted Big Dippers in "her" hand had already been blacked out.

Just like Rong Feiyang's situation earlier, the fifth starburst turned black.

(End of this chapter)

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