Chapter 2621

But just when the seventh army commander was about to speak.

"Several, I heard what you said just now."

The holy master came in hurriedly.


Seeing the holy master, Luoyan was overjoyed and went up to meet him.

Behind the holy master, carrying a medicine basket, the majestic holy master went to collect the medicine himself, making him more approachable.

The team members in the camp all showed admiration.

Xin Lin remained calm.

She couldn't figure out what the purpose of the holy master coming suddenly was.

"Holy Master."

Several army commanders said respectfully, even the third army commander was also respectful.

As we all know, the Continental Alliance Army and the Taichang Holy Academy are tied as the two poles of the Eastern Continent.

Their status is even higher than that of the three major kingdoms.

However, the Continental Alliance Army is controlled by six army commanders, but the Taichang Holy Academy only obeys the orders of the Saint Master. Therefore, the status of the Saint Master is higher than that of several army commanders.

"Everyone, you might as well listen to the next sentence."

The holy master put down the medicine basket. He went to gather medicine for his beloved wife and just came back.

"Go ahead, the holy master."

The second army commander said respectfully.

"Everyone heard what Wuhun said just now. Feng Xi also told me about the Seven Killing Curse. Indeed, this little girl broke the Seven Killing Curse."

The saint said in a deep voice.

Senior brother reported to father?

Luo Yan's expression changed.

She still wanted to say something, but the saint's eyes swept away, and there was a bit of displeasure in his words.

"Luoyan, how do I teach you on weekdays?"

Although the holy master has just returned, he can see clearly.

Several people in the Taichang team are submissive and dare not look him in the eye.

Among them, it must be because of the falling geese.

"Daddy, would you rather trust an outsider than Yan'er?"

Luo Yan was accused face to face, her face turned pale with anger, she stomped her feet and ran out.

Seeing that the lie was exposed, several members of the Taichang team couldn't stand up anymore, and they also secretly followed Luoyan and left quickly.

Several army commanders looked at each other in dismay, the seventh army commander was secretly relieved, the third army commander was so angry, but with the Saint Master around, she couldn't do anything about it, Xin Lin.

"The Holy Master can enforce the law impartially, which really makes me ashamed."

The second army commander also breathed a sigh of relief.

Wuhun's eating gave him a headache too.

If Luoyan insisted on pressing, he didn't know how to deal with it.

Fortunately, the holy master came forward, and if Qing Wu pursued it, there would be an explanation.

But at the same time, the second army commander was a little ashamed, Si Qingwu seldom begged herself, this time she asked, but she couldn't do it, and she didn't have the face to meet her.

"My friends, I'm really sorry, Yan'er has been spoiled by my husband and wife."

The holy master smiled and nodded to Xin Lin and the others.

"Since the saint knows, he should discipline his daughter well."

Xin Lin said coldly.

The amiable smile froze on the face of the saint.

Lu Yuan and Xiao Xinzhuo on the side were both taken aback.

Little Xin Zhuo pulled Xin Lin's sleeve even more nervously.

What's wrong with my sister today, it's like eating gunpowder, it smells like gunpowder.

This is a holy master, and even the several commanders of the military department have to follow his example.

"Now that the false claim of military merit has been clarified, it's time to settle my trial results."

Xin Lin didn't look directly at the holy master again.

To be honest, this mainland famous saint has a good face.

But because of Luoyan, Xin Lin really didn't like him.

After finishing speaking, she left the saint aside and walked directly to the male clerk.

(End of this chapter)

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