Chapter 2647

The original purpose of Xin Lin's stone carving was to find all the summoning crystals for purifying the book of defying destiny.

I didn't expect to get a batch of high-quality summoning crystals, but two yuan will do it.

She didn't think of the use of Wuyao Zhaojing for a moment.

There are still five Summoning Crystals left, which means they are idle.

Xin Lin intends to use them to exchange for some suitable ingredients and some herbs, but there are still many, and she can't wear too many when she goes to Qingcang.

Simply give one piece to Lu Yuan.

Seeing the colorful calling crystal that Xin Lin handed over, Lu Yuan hastily rejected it.

"Wow, Xin Lin, you are rich. This is Zhao Jing, which is very valuable. I am a rough man, not a summoner, so I don't need this kind of thing. Take it back quickly."

But just as Lu Yuan finished speaking, the eyes of the White Tiger Beast King, who was lazily dozing in his arms, suddenly widened.


It flew up and grabbed the summoning crystal in Xin Lin's hand.

Staring at the incomparably clear call crystal, the White Tiger Beastmaster looked surprised.

"Little Baibai, why did you snatch Xin Lin's summoning crystal? Hurry up and give it back."

Lu Yuan was puzzled.

"Shut up, this is a good thing, do you still want to increase your strength? This thing can greatly increase my cultivation speed."

The White Tiger Beastmaster is a man of knowledge.

This kind of calling crystal is very rare in the Eastern Continent, not to mention the mainland battlefield where supplies are scarce.

"Is it really that useful?"

Lu Yuan was startled, but after thinking about it, he snatched the Summoning Crystal back from the White Tiger Beastmaster.

"This thing is so valuable, so I have to return it to Xin Lin. I have benefited from Xin Lin along the way. Since this Summoning Crystal is so useful, it should be reserved for Egg Cub. It is more needed than the White Tiger Beastmaster."

Lu Yuan remembered very clearly, didn't the White Tiger Beastmaster say earlier that the egg cub lacked a martial soul, so it never grew up, and it would turn back into a baby bird at every turn.

Danzai was very sad about this.

If this Summoning Crystal is really that useful, it would be more suitable for Egg Cubs.

Xin Lin smiled, feeling more and more that Lu Yuan is a sincere person.

But this is Lu Yuan.

She also wanted to explain that this Summoning Crystal Egg was not needed.

Unexpectedly, the White Tiger Beastmaster had already blurted out in desperation.

"Do you have a bad brain? The aura in this call crystal is useless to that crippled bird. What it lacks is the martial soul, and that thing cannot be repaired. Only by recovering half of its martial soul can it help it."

The White Tiger Beastmaster really wanted to slap Lu Yuan to death.

This kid is simply more than successful than failure.

"White Tiger Beastmaster, you said to retrieve the martial soul? Do you know something?"

Xin Lin's heart skipped a beat.

"I... I don't know anything."

Only then did the White Tiger Beastmaster realize that he had slipped his tongue.

It stuttered.

"Baihu, do you really know something? If you know, tell Xin Lin. You can't take advantage of others for nothing."

Lu Yuan also rushed to rush.

It can be seen that the White Tiger Beastmaster must be hiding some important secret.

Xin Lin's eyes narrowed slightly. She always felt that the relationship between the White Tiger Beastmaster and the Egg Cub was not that simple.

Egg Cub is nothing more, it was reborn from the ashes.

In the words of Gui Hu, it is equivalent to dissecting the corpse once, and it doesn't remember anything about the past.

But the White Tiger Beastmaster was obviously different.

It's just that the soul pill was refined by himself.

Its martial soul is very complete.

It should remember something about the past.

Xin Lin even suspected that the White Tiger Beastmaster had known Egg Cub before.

(End of this chapter)

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