Chapter 2663

"You just wait."

Xin Lin thought for a while, Guihu, an arrogant guy, refused to talk to her, this time she felt ashamed, so she couldn't say anything.

Gui Hu didn't answer, but fortunately she still has a little fox.

Xin Lin took out the Spirit Sealing Talisman No. [-].

She called out the little foxes.

"How can ordinary people see ghosts?"

Xin Lin thought that the martial spirit of the little prince Tuyuan was simply a ghost.

Ghosts, ordinary people can't see them.

"It's so difficult, you just need to blow him a few breaths of evil spirits to see. But..."

The little fox looked at the ghost wandering around the little prince Tuyuan.

"Say something."

Xin Lin urged.

The little fox is a ghost cultivator, and he is very clear about ghosts.

"There is something wrong with this ghost. It seems that he has a lot of resentment. It's better not to be seen easily. Because his eyes are very weird."

The little fox pondered.

Xin Lin told the little prince what the little fox meant.

"He is my father, it is impossible for him to harm me. He has never harmed me in these years."

The little prince is not worried about this.

"Since that's the case, it's easy to handle."

The little fox wagged its tail, swaggered to the side of the little prince, and saw it blow out two breaths.

The little prince only felt that the wind was blowing, and he couldn't help shivering.

Slowly, the scene in front of him changed slightly.

Xin Lin and the little fox were not far away.

Beside him, there was still a person standing.

"The evil spirit cannot stay in the body for too long, you have half a quarter of an hour."

After saying that, the little fox walked to Xin Lin's feet, squatted there and dozed off.


The little prince couldn't believe it, and looked at the ghost in front of him.

The clothes and expression were exactly as Xin Lin said, it was really his father.

The little prince couldn't help but stepped forward, trying to keep the ghost.

"My lord, no."

Seeing this, Xin Lin was shocked.

She has been in contact with ghosts before, and knows that once infected with ghosts, it is very difficult to get rid of them.

But when she spoke, it was too late.

The little prince hadn't seen Prince Tuyuan for many years, but seeing him suddenly, it was really difficult to control his emotions.

Prince Tuyuan's ghost suddenly raised his head.

He has blue-gray eyes.

Those eyes met the little prince directly.

The little prince froze in an instant.

He stared at Prince Tuyuan as if in a daze.

"Not good." Xin Lin groaned secretly.

She was about to step forward and stop the little prince.

"Don't stop him. The ghost has no malice towards him."

At this time, Gui Hu's voice came.

When Xin Lin heard this, she was a little happy, but also a little cautious.

"Tsundere Corpse, are you not annoying me anymore?"

"Heh~ How well have you learned the Ghost Fist?"

Gui Hu sneered.

In words, he was still very dissatisfied.

It seemed that his little hen really had stiff wings.

"Actually, I didn't learn any ghost boxing... Well, I didn't mean it, I just wanted to surprise you."

Xin Lin glanced at the little prince beside him.

He remained motionless as if a holding spell had been cast on him.

He looked at Yinhun, who seemed to be making eye contact and talking about something.

From the looks of it, Prince Tuyuan's death might be really strange.

Xin Lin secretly said beside him.

That being the case, leave the matter to the little prince to settle it himself.

Right now, she still needs to appease Gui Hu.

Xin Lin coughed lightly twice.

"Aojiaoshi, Saint Master, I did ask Ghost God Fist for advice. However, compared to you, he is in the sky and the other is on the ground. It's not the same."

(End of this chapter)

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