Chapter 2667

"Stop being glib in front of me."

Gui Hu snorted coldly.

His breath was clear and cold.

His blue eyes shone with faint blue, just like the blue ocean.

Xin Lin saw it in his eyes, and felt a slight movement in his heart, as if something had been bumped lightly.

The roots of her ears turned red.

"Shameful, shameful. It's just a corpse. I'm so scared that I'm blushing."

In Xin Lin's heart, the trumpet Xin Lin pointed at Xin Lin with disdain.

"Ghost God Fist, if you follow the practice taught by that sanctimonious guy, you'll probably be fine. He's much better at martial arts than Yao Ji."

Gui Hu's eyes flashed, and he threw Xin Lin aside.

His ghost fist is actually not suitable for Xin Lin's cultivation.

The first few formulas are barely okay.

But the further you go to the back, the more vicious and vicious.

That was the boxing technique he had summed up over the years. He had been unwilling to let Xin Lin learn it because he didn't want him to be contaminated with his killing spirit.

"Why do I feel that you are hiding something private, but I am afraid that if you teach me as an apprentice, you will starve to death as your master?"

Xin Lin said half-jokingly, half-seriously.

"The Ghost Fist was not created by me."

Gui Hu said angrily.

"I know, it was created by the master of darkness. It is said that only he can know the fifth form. It destroys the world, and even destroys himself."

Xin Lin sticks out his little tongue, and that appearance falls into Gui Hu's eyes, which is unavoidably a bit playful.

Guihu snorted again.

"So, you can't use it indiscriminately in the future."

Xin Lin didn't know if Gui Hu could master the fifth form, she just didn't want any surprises for Gui Hu.

Xin Lin's words made Gui Hu's blue eyes change again, but they were soft blue.

"Besides, I'm going to Qingcang... Maybe I will go head-to-head with Qingcang people. If you don't want to, you can..."

Xin Lin thought about it.

She also doesn't want to make things difficult for ghosts.

"I'll go with you. I haven't been there for many years."

In Gui Hu's voice, no meaning could be heard.

Qingcang Continent, to Guihu, is the most familiar and also the most unfamiliar place.

There, it was almost built by him.

But that was also what gave him the most headaches.

Just because, there, his nightmare symptoms will become more and more serious.

"You'd better come back and have a look. There is something wrong with the young prince Tuyuan."

The voice of the little fox came over.

Xin Lin looked at Feng Lingfu No. [-].

She and Gui Hu exchanged glances.

"Prince Tuyuan, is there any problem?"

Most of the ghosts are contaminated with some evil spirits.

Xin Lin has already regarded the young prince Tuyuan as a friend, and doesn't want him to be deceived, even if that person is his father.

"It's generally okay, but the grievances are heavier, but the grievances are not aimed at that little prince. That one called Poison Saint is very problematic. She should have killed a lot of people."

Gui Hu pondered.

Prince Tuyuan's ghost has been imprisoned beside the young prince for many years.

Ordinary ghosts cannot do this.

Obviously, there is a poisonous saint's handwriting in it.

And the method of locking the soul is only understood by ghost cultivators.

So, this famous poison sage is actually not as simple as a poison cultivator.

Xin Lin and Gui Hu rushed back immediately.

The little prince Tuyuan stood where he was.

His whole body seemed to have been sucked out of his soul, his eyes were dull, and he knelt on the ground.

The ghost of Prince Tuyuan hugged him, sobbing silently.

(End of this chapter)

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