Chapter 2697

What monster is that?

Is that still Suzaku?
Luo Yan was shocked by the scene in front of him.

She even forgot to command Suzaku Wuhun.

Suzaku Martial Soul also realized that the little guy in front of him was a little different.

It senses danger.

But it wanted to evacuate, but it was obviously too late.

As soon as the three-legged Golden Crow fluttered its wings, the fire spirits around it disappeared in an instant as if being sucked dry.

With a scream, the Suzaku martial soul was pushed to the ground.

Under the influence of Futian's power, Suzaku Wuhun couldn't even resist.

Luo Yan could only watch helplessly as Suzaku Wuhun was swallowed alive by the egg cub.

That Vermillion Bird Soul Pill was also swallowed into Egg Cub's belly.

After finishing all this, the three-legged Golden Crow flew up and flew towards Luoyan.

" can't."

Luo Yan only felt that his whole body was drained of energy.

She staggered and fell to the ground.

"You can't, you can't do this. I am the daughter of a holy master, Xin Lin, you can't. If you hurt me even an iota, my parents won't let you go! Dajun won't let you go either. of."

"You're right, your mother-in-law Bichi will definitely not let me go. Let me guess, she should have colluded with the second army commander, and will she be accused of accusing me?"

Xin Lin's eyes flashed.

"Fine, so you can't hurt me."

Luoyan suddenly gained confidence again.

"But I won't hurt you. If you go back, won't you seek revenge from me? It's a pity that your parents didn't teach you well. When disaster is imminent, don't provoke your enemies."

Xin Lin shook his head.

This emotional intelligence is really touching.

"But don't worry, I don't intend to kill you."

Xin Lin sighed.

"What do you want to do?"

Luo Yan was overjoyed at first, but when he saw Xin Lin approaching step by step, he felt frightened again.

"Killing you is tantamount to making a living, but if I don't kill you, I can't get rid of the hatred in my heart. Danzi, you can figure it out."

Xin Lin spread out his hands.

She took Fu Tian Dan back.

"Little fox, you stay and take care of the funeral with Egg Cub."

After Xin Lin finished speaking, he summoned the little fox.

Egg Cub let out a crisp sound.

"Tsk tsk, you've recovered your Suzaku body. From now on, it won't be so easy to bully you."

The little fox looked at Suzaku, who had changed greatly in stature and imposing manner, and pouted.

It was already dark.

Xin Lin was worried about Xiao Tong's safety. Although there was a ghost guarding him, that guy was cold and cold, so he might not be able to properly handle the affairs of Bogu Village.

"Don't go, Xin Lin!"

Luoyan watched Xin Lin go away, without Futian Pill, the three-legged Golden Crow had returned to its appearance of Suzaku.

"Jiujiu, how do you deal with her?"

Although Suzaku has regained her body, she still has the tone of an egg.

"It's very simple to deal with such a vicious woman, destroy the corpse and wipe out the trace."

The little fox said viciously.

"I can't kill her yet. There is a bit of power in her body. It should be left by her family. Once she is killed, the other party will know immediately."

Suzaku had discovered it earlier.

"Then make her life worse than death. Tell me, how long will it take to climb from here to the Eastern Continent?"

The little fox grinned.

"What are you going to do?"

Luoyan's expression changed drastically.

"Do what needs to be done."

The little fox grinned, and surrounded Luoyan with Suzaku.

"If you dare, I will kill you, Xin Lin, I will kill you."

The screams of the falling geese later turned into cries and pleadings, echoing in the cold night wind.

(End of this chapter)

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