The Evil Emperor's Medical Concubine is ruthless

Chapter 605 The Only Divine Doctor

Chapter 605 The Only Divine Doctor

A moment earlier, the former imperial physician, who was still domineering and domineering, looked at the cold eyes of the person who came up, and suddenly felt two wars, and the cold sweat was pouring down, and the arrogance disappeared all of a sudden.

"Chu, genius doctor Chu."

The boss of Taoyao Pavilion and Master Ji were also shocked.

Miracle doctor Chu, these three words, in Zixiao City, once upon a time, were the existence of faith.

The people in the city all know that there are two imperial physicians in the Chu family, and only the former imperial physician Chu Beiqing can be called a miracle doctor!
He is the one who deserves to be a miracle doctor!

"No, he is Chu Beiqing. Hasn't Chu Beiqing already become a fool?"

Master Ji came back to his senses and shouted loudly.

Xin Lin's father is Chu Beiqing, that idiot!

Just a fool, how can he see a doctor?


The former imperial physician was also startled and surprised, he secretly glanced at Chu Beiqing.

Look at his clear eyes and calm expression, where there is no trace of madness.

It was a coincidence that this former imperial physician had committed crimes under Chu Beiqing's subordinates, so he had to retire early and return home.

His qualifications to practice medicine had also been banned by Chu Beiqing himself at that time. He thought that Chu Beiqing had become a fool, and that he would be fine if he came out to accept orders for private work, but he was caught right away.

At this moment, the heart of the former imperial physician is agitated.

"I'm not sick."

Chu Bei poured out two words, and looked straight at the former imperial physician.

The latter was frightened, and all doubts and strange diseases were left behind by him.

"Boss, the old man's medical skills are shallow, please invite someone else to say goodbye."

The former imperial physician ran away in fright, even forgetting to collect the consultation fee.

"This... this... Divine Doctor Chu, Master Ji is really not sick?"

The boss of Taoyao Pavilion looked at Chu Beiqing, pinning his last hopes on him.

"Baby... gourd... candied haws."

Unexpectedly, Chu Beiqing's handsome face changed, and he ran in front of his precious daughter.

The speed of face-changing is so fast that the boss and Master Ji are amazed.

"Miraculous doctor Chu? Is he stupid..."

Before the boss finished speaking, he was frightened by Xin Lin's warning eyes and fell silent.

"What are you asking so many questions for? If you delay any longer, Master Ji is really hopeless."

Xin Lin took the pulse of Master Ji.

The heart is weak and the breath is dying, the situation is indeed very bad.

If the reason is not found as soon as possible, Master Ji will really have no way to recover.

"Boss, you must not be fooled. Xin Lin was kicked out of Taoyao Pavilion with resentment in his heart. This time he must have come to take revenge. Chu Beiqing is a fool, and she is a child. It is impossible for her to heal diseases. If she believes Without her, my uncle will die."

Master Ji rushed forward, intending to grab Xin Lin.

To be a master of food, Master Ji naturally also has learned martial arts. Relying on his own strength, he grabbed Xin Lin's lapel and wanted to throw it out.

Unexpectedly, his hand was empty, Xin Lin suddenly jumped up and knocked him to the ground with a punch.

"It's your intention to plot against Master Ji. Let me ask you, did Master Ji go into Qinshan and wade into the water before he got sick, and after he came back, he couldn't get sick anymore."

When Xin Lin asked, the owner of Taoyao Pavilion next to him was amazed again and again.

"Yes, yes, how do you know? Master Ji took them into the mountains to find Xuannvyu and came back, and fell ill."

Master Ji's two front teeth were knocked out by Xin Lin's punch, and his mouth was covered in blood.

He moaned and chirped a few times, and wanted to defend himself, but Xin Lin stepped on his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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