Chapter 884 Double Beast Assault
Zi Yunye laughed and said: "Its strength is about the same as that of a dragon, and it is naturally huge, but how it got in is a bit strange. I think it has its own special skills. Spiders always want to hide in the house."

Shui Tianlan nodded and said: "That's right, this thing must be the reason why this house is deserted, but it only has the ability to see the sky at the first level. Is there no one with higher strength to discover it?"

"I don't know, your poison is no worse than Xiaolong's, and if you spin silk, you will be poisoned without knowing it. It should be impossible to guard against." Zi Yunye frowned.

At this moment, after the big green eye blinked, the hissing sound inside was also very urgent, the purple light of the little Thunder Beast's claws became sharper and sharper, and the little dragon roared and threatened at the side, only Xiaoxuan with a bare head was very excited watching this scene.

Suddenly there was a flash of white light in the wooden window, and then Shui Tianlan and Ziyunye saw a two-headed spider covered in mottled coming out of the wooden window. It was about the size of a small thunder beast, except that there were four green spiders on its two heads. The eyes are kind of scary.

At this moment, the little thunder beast suddenly launched a lightning attack, and the little dragon also rushed out with golden claws and slapped it on the head.

The Longxuan Spirit Turtle retracted itself into its shell in an instant, and rolled down from the air in a very embarrassing state.

Shui Tianlan and Ziyunye didn't expect that these two contracted beasts would also make surprise attacks. Is it because their masters specialize in this kind of thing?
The double-headed flower spider roared angrily, its voice was so sharp that it sounded so unpleasant that it seemed as if the eardrum had been pierced all of a sudden.

I saw its two mouths grow together, and countless white spider threads spit out, forming a net and rushing towards the little Thunder Beast and the little dragon.

It's a pity that it was still a beat slow, the little Thunder Beast's lightning skill immediately set its spider web on fire, and the little dragon's golden claws scratched one of its heads very sharply.

The eaves collapsed, the double-headed flower spider fell down with a scream, the little dragon roared suddenly, and then rushed down towards it, dust was everywhere, and the little thunder beast had already soared up.

When the little dragon below got out of the rubble, the black dragon turned into a gray dragon, and was still chewing something in its mouth. The saliva spitting was very disgusting, but its animal face expression was very enjoyable.

"Damn, this guy actually ate the flower spider." Shui Tianlan was shocked.

The little thunder beast immediately jumped on her body, and as soon as Shui Tianlan hugged her, the little thunder beast started talking to her creakingly.

It turns out that the natural enemy of the double-headed flower spider is the thunder beast, because the lightning attack makes their poisonous web completely ineffective, which is why the little thunder beast will come out automatically.

And in order to prevent this guy from escaping, it has already discussed with the little dragon, taking advantage of the unpreparedness, and taking it down in one fell swoop, so as not to be escaped by the poison, and after the little dragon eats the flower spider, it can also enhance its toxicity, making its venomous dragon liquid Add poison to poison.

But fortunately, this abandoned house is so famous that no one dares to come close to it if there is any movement, especially when you hear the terrifying sound of monsters, everyone around you who hear the sound is wondering if any expert can go into this abandoned house again. at ease.

From the perspective of their neighbors, people who go in usually come out less, and people will look for corpses during the day. At the beginning, no one dared to look for corpses, but since a beggar found a bag from the corpse in the abandoned garden and became a rich man, Many people became daring, as soon as there was any movement, someone would definitely look for the corpse the next day.

(End of this chapter)

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