Nine Phoenix Dynasty Phoenix Heavy Kwai Chapter

Chapter 1007 Meeting a confidant in wine [7]

Chapter 1007 Meeting a confidant in wine [7]

"Okay." Chongkui agreed.

"Young Master Xiao, Young Master Xiao, why are you going out? Why don't you just stay here and listen to what you have to say..."

Seeing Xiao Shulou, who was always as cold as ice, actually ask a woman out for a walk, for these people whose life has always been boring, it is not an interesting thing.

Everyone also wants to see the lonely man and the widow, how will Mr. Xiao talk to girls...

However, why would Xiao Shulou care about these guys?Without looking at it, he went out.

The area around this dilapidated courtyard is very remote, usually there are no people there, and it is just as quiet now.

Chongkui followed Xiao Shulou for a long distance, and the surroundings became more and more silent.

It is unimaginable that there is such a remote place in a bustling city.

"Young Master Xiao, I am a patient with injuries, can I not leave?" Chongkui finally said, if she continued walking, her wounds would burst.

Xiao Shulou seemed to think of her just now, said sorry, and stopped.

There is no moon in the sky, only a few dim stars.

In the darkness around them, they could only see the silhouette of each other.

He turned around and looked down at her: "You said that your name is Fen Yue, are you the same Fen Yue as the contractor of the blood phoenix?"

"You all think that I am not." Chongkui said with a wry smile.

"That's right, you are not her. The real Fenyue is Chongfeng's daughter Chongkui. If you want to pretend to be her, you need to get to know her first."

"Why should I pretend to be her?" Chongkui originally wanted to sneer, but the wound involved her abdomen wound when she smiled, so she had no choice but to find a nearby stone and sit down, "Even if she pretends to be me, she must pretend to be me."

"What do you mean? You mean Chongkui pretending to be you?" Xiao Shulou narrowed his eyes, "Has he even lied to Ah Mo? He already knew Fen Yue's true identity ten years ago."

"It's not uncommon to drop bags and pretend to be like this. I don't need to pretend to be her."

"Then who are you?"

"As I said before, I am Fen Yue, and I am who Fen Yue is." She raised her head and looked at her fixedly.

Those eyes in the darkness were clear and ecstatic, with a faint purple light, as if they were about to bloom in the dark surroundings.

Xiao Shulou was stunned for a moment, his heart seemed to be hit by something, and he murmured, "Are you really Fen Yue?"

"You've fought me, don't you know?" she said.

Xiao Shulou was taken aback, vaguely remembering the move she used to catch his sword just now...

Ten years ago, in Anping City of Zhao State, when she fought against her for the first time, she quickly caught his sword. Although she was stunned, Shui Hanjian has always been famous for its "quick, ruthless and accurate" .

It was already very remarkable that he could catch her one move.

And just now she used the same move to catch his sword again.

"But..." The cold man was still full of doubts, "How did you become like this? Has your appearance changed due to the spell?"

"What kind of magic can change a person's appearance? Illusion? If it's an illusion, how can I hide it from a master of illusion like Feng Mo?" Chongkui smiled coolly, "Xiao Shulou, ten years ago in HD, I I know that you are an upright person, and ten years have passed, and you still haven't changed."

(End of this chapter)

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