Chapter 1074 Once Liked [7]

Regarding her past, who was she before she came to this world?what is she doing?Who has she met?

Who was there in her heart?

The light in the sleeping hall is warm, as if shrouded in the gorgeous sunset, and the quiet atmosphere seems to reach the end of time in an instant.

Ji Xuanshang lowered his head, looked at Chong Kui's sleeping face, sleeping beside him defenselessly like a child.

Sometimes, even he couldn't believe it, she was by his side.

Even if he looked at her like this, he would worry that she would disappear suddenly.

He liked her a little too much, but there was no way... Even if she didn't do anything, she could still make a huge wave in his heart.

He lightly kissed her on the cheek, and when he looked up, he saw her eyes slowly opened.

When he was caught stealing a kiss, he didn't blush and his heart skipped a beat. Instead, he kissed again as a matter of course.

Zhongkui raised her hand and squeezed his face: "Porn|Beast!"

"It's fine if you like it." He was full of smiles, choking so heavily that he couldn't speak.

The mouth is so poisonous, tie up your tongue next time!

"It's still dark, go to sleep." He said softly.

She is so vigilant, even the slightest movement can wake her up, how uneasy is she in her heart?

"I can't sleep anymore." Chongkui tilted her head, she has always slept less, in the past, at this point, she would have gotten up early.

"Then tell me about the world you used to live in." Ji Xuanshang said with his arms around her.

"The world I live in..." Zhongkui was thinking about how to word it so as not to scare him, "Actually, for now, it might be the future. There were many countries in that era, but there were not so many wars. There are frequent exchanges between countries. As long as conditions permit, everyone can go to any country. There are cars that fly in the sky, and there are large ships that sail in the sea like land. Cars can travel thousands of miles a day..."

"Traveling thousands of miles a day? Every country has different roads and different wheels. Does it matter?" He asked. Although he is also interested in flying in the sky and large ships in the sea, the problem of cars is the most practical.

"The cars there are different from those here. There are uniform specifications all over the world. The wheels and roads are the same, and even the traffic laws are similar." Zhongkui explained with a smile.

In today's era, countries have different systems with different widths, which is really troublesome.

"In your era, it was already unified? Why are there still so many countries?" He was a little puzzled.

Zhongkui thought for a while before saying: "Unification does not mean that all countries merge into one big country. The real unity is the unity of thought. In my era, transportation and information were developed. Today, something happened in this country. It is likely that the next day it will spread all over the world."

"Where's the text?"

"Although the characters are not uniform, the whole world will learn the most convenient language. Everyone will learn foreign languages ​​from school."

"What about currency?"

"The currencies of various countries have a certain exchange rate. The value of the currency is determined according to the strength of the country, the amount of issuance, the denomination, etc.."

"It sounds like it is not easy to achieve ideological unity."
I've been really busy recently, I'm really sorry for the update, please scold me, I'll run with the lid on...

(End of this chapter)

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