Nine Phoenix Dynasty Phoenix Heavy Kwai Chapter

Chapter 1132 2 Lost and Wounded [2]

Chapter 1132

You have to escape far enough to get rid of Su Que.

But she feels very uncomfortable now.

"You have gone far enough away, and you have been hiding your whereabouts along the way, probably it will take a lot of effort for Su Que to catch up with you when he wakes up." King Ling said.

Zhongkui found a shady place to sit down, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and decided to rest for a while.

Dan Bao came out of the spirit beast space considerately, picked a leaf and fanned it in front of her.

"Boss, cool off!"

"Thank you."

"Boss, brother Lingwang said, there is a baby in your belly, will it pop out?" Danbao asked innocently.

Chongkui was at a loss for words for a while, and said dumbfoundedly, "How did it pop out?"

"Danbao has read the book, and the book said that many people jumped out of the mother's belly!" Danbao said seriously.

"Nerd." Chongkui shook her head and chuckled, "Children are born, not popped out."

"How?" Dan Bao began to play the nature of a curious baby.

"It's not good to tell children this." Chongkui raised his head and saw a few wild fruit trees in front of him, which seemed to be peaches. "I'm going to pick some fruits and eat them."

Dan Bao bounced around behind her buttocks.

"Boss, peaches in the wild are not delicious! It is said in the book that peaches are delicious."

"It's good to eat some." Chongkui stood under the peach tree, picked up a few pink ones, wiped the fluff on them, and began to eat.

The taste is not bad...

"Boss, is it delicious?" Dai Mao looked at her, drooling a little.

"Would you like to try it?"

"Danbao can't eat this kind of thing! If you eat it, you will become stupid!" Danbao refused righteously.

Zhongkui couldn't help laughing, he was already stupid enough, how could he be stupid?

She was passing through the peach grove when suddenly several strong men with weapons walked by in front of her.

"Huh? There's a woman!" One of the strong men's eyes lit up when he saw Chongkui, "It's such a beautiful woman!"

"Today is really a blessing! We fled to this deep mountain and wild forest, and we have never seen a sow. It must be God's will for me to meet this woman today! Hahaha, take her back!"

Chongkui looked at these people coldly, it seemed that they were also a bunch of idiots.

Meeting a woman is a blessing?How can there be such a stupid logic?

Seeing that she is alone, and looks weak, with a bunch of wild peaches in her arms, she must be an ordinary woman, so those people boldly surrounded her.

Chongkui took a bite of the peach, and said coldly: "A good dog doesn't get in the way, but it got in my way today, so don't regret it."

"Hey! This woman dares to threaten us? Do you know how many brothers we have? How many days have we not seen a woman? Even if we die today, we must be a romantic ghost!"

A group of strong men laughed loudly.

"Being a ghost can fulfill you? I just want to be romantic and happy, so I can only live in the next life." Chongkui said coldly, not paying attention to these people at all.

"This bitch is hot, we love it! Let's grab her brothers!"

Seeing that they were about to charge up, Chongkui's eyes flashed coldly, and he was also ready to make a move.

It's nothing to her to get rid of so many people.

But at the moment when she was about to make a move, a person suddenly asked, "What are you guys doing? Without the order of the young master, who made you run out?"
Guess who Sunflower met?Remember to vote for the old road~~
(End of this chapter)

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