Nine Phoenix Dynasty Phoenix Heavy Kwai Chapter

Chapter 1210 Confidant at the End of the World [8]

Chapter 1210 Confidant at the End of the World [8]

Long Yangjun is the same as her, they are indeed very similar, even their fate is similar, they always can't help themselves to do some things.

She yearns for the life of retiring to the mountains and forests, and he must also yearn for it.

Listening to her words, Longyang Jun was confused for a moment, as if the beautiful life he imagined appeared in front of his eyes, and a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his lips.

Chongkui's heart moved, and he continued, "You are not from Wei, but just a pawn of Wei Wuji. You can leave at any time without feeling guilty."

"Can you really feel no guilt at all?" Jun Longyang said, "If it were you, would you leave Ji Xuanshang when Qin was in danger?"

Zhongkui was taken aback.

Long Yangjun continued: "You are not from Qin, even Qin gave you a lot of painful memories, Chong Feng even took away your pure spirit body, but Ji Xuanshang has always protected you, you can leave him, Do you hide yourself and live?"

"It's different. If I go back, I won't be for Qin."

"I'm not doing it for Wei." He said, "The King of Wei has treated me with great kindness. He has treated me sincerely. For so many years, he has always known my identity, but he is full of suspicions about Wuji, but he is unwilling to be suspicious. Me, I made many mistakes, and he forgave me. He dealt with Wuji, but he never scolded me, how can I betray him and leave by myself when he treats me like this? "

Zhongkui wanted to say something more, but seeing his expression, she was unwilling to continue.

Everyone has a different standpoint, she just wants Jun Longyang to get out of the sea of ​​suffering and live a free life, but what she sees as a sea of ​​suffering may not be in his view.

"As long as you feel happy." Zhongkui can only say, "Although I have regrets in my heart, I can't often talk to you as a bosom friend, but I still hope you can be happy."

"A real confidant may not need to talk often." He said.

Chongkui said with a smile: "In my hometown, there is a saying that goes like this: A bosom friend in the sea is like a neighbor in the world."

"A confidant in the sea is like a neighbor at the end of the world..." he murmured, with smiles appearing in his eyes little by little, "It's so good, in this world, there is a person who can share my heart, just like my life. the same in the world."

This sentence was a little depressed, and Chongkui's heart suddenly felt a little uneasy.

Looking at this handsome and feminine man in front of him, I just feel extremely regretful in my heart.

If he was born in a good era, he must be a person who lives a life of poetry and wine, happy and unrestrained.

"If you have time, come and see me more." Zhongkui said, "You can come anytime."

Lord Longyang nodded.

"Then I'm leaving." Chongkui walked outside, just as he opened the door, Longyang Jun shouted from behind: "Chongkui."

She looked back at him.

Long Yangjun was silent for a while, and said: "Be careful on the road."

Chongkui was startled, then nodded and walked out.

Longyang Jun stood at the door and watched her leave.

Chongkui was about to walk out of the yard, and he looked back again. He was still standing there, like a tree standing alone.

After he sent her away that day, they hadn't seen each other for many years. Later, when Wei Wuji died, King Wei died, and the state of Wei died, he never showed up.

No one knew where he went, let alone whether he was dead or alive.

At the moment of parting, no one knows how long the parting will last, will it be forever?
(End of this chapter)

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