Nine Phoenix Dynasty Phoenix Heavy Kwai Chapter

Chapter 1253 Leading the snake out of the hole [7]

Chapter 1253 Leading the snake out of the hole [7]

"What's wrong?" Wu Li asked with a smile, "When my people felt it, they met He Zhong's wife. She saw He Zhong was killed with her own eyes. He Zhong said that the two killers belonged to King Zhao."

"If it was Zhao Qian, he wouldn't kill Ruyi." Chongkui said, "Zhao Qian is a despicable villain. At this time, he would only use Ruyi to make King Qin stop fighting. Even if King Qin didn't stop fighting, he would Humiliate Ruyi and make her life worse than death."

"But Zhao Ruyi ran away." Wu Li said.

Chongkui asked: "Did He Zhong's wife say that Ruyi was indeed hidden by He Zhong?"

"That woman doesn't know anything. She said that He Zhong usually does what he does and never tells her."

"That's even more strange. How could outsiders know about their husband and wife? Zhao Qian really sent a killer to kill He Zhong, so why didn't he force him to ask his wife? Did they know that He Zhong's wife didn't know anything?" You know? It's a big taboo for a killer to do something to keep someone alive." Chongkui sneered, this kind of trick was nothing in her eyes.

Wu Li glanced at her, raised his lips and smiled: "You're still smart, those killers do have problems, what are they trying to do?"

"Of course it was deliberately kept alive to spread the news."

"Spread the news about Zhao Ruyi in HD?" Wu Li asked suspiciously, "What's the purpose of doing this?"

"Usually such tricks are nothing more than leading the snake out of the hole, but..." Chongkui narrowed his eyes, "This time, who is the snake?"

"Are those killers really not sent by Zhao Qian?" Wu Li asked.

"Zhao Qian has already dispatched so many forbidden troops, not even a fly can fly out of the entire HD city, and the outside of the HD city is covered with eyeliner. Is there any need for a killer? Zhao Qian definitely did not do it this time!"

Chongkui walked slowly to the yard and sat down, thinking quickly in his mind.

Who is the snake?

Who is the person who wants to draw out the snake?
In HD, who is important to Ruyi?

Or, to whom is wishful thinking important?

Shi Yue?Shi Yue was imprisoned in HD's prison, and everyone knew it, so it was meaningless to lure him out.

Who else?Is it the remaining party of Pingyuan Hou?Hou Pingyuan has passed away for so many years, and his influence has been very small. Even if someone wants to get rid of King Zhao and establish a new king, they will not use the name of Marquis Pingyuan, it is useless.

Then...the scope is wider, people who are not from Zhao country...

Ruyi escaped from Xianyang... With Ruyi's ability, how could she escape from the heavily guarded Xianyang Palace and come all the way to Zhao Country, someone must help her.

What is the purpose of this person who helped her?Does it have anything to do with the man behind the scenes who lured the snake out of the cave this time?

Draw out the person who cares about Ruyi...not from Zhao Ruyi escape from Xianyang Palace...send killers to hunt down Ruyi...intentionally spread news...

Chongkui stood up suddenly, a smile slowly appeared on his calm face.

"What did you think of?" Seeing her clever smile, Wu Li couldn't help smiling.

Such a heavy sunflower looks really beautiful, unparalleled beauty.

"In Zhao State, everyone knows that Ruyi has escaped from Qin State, so the intentional spread of news is not for people in Zhao State, but for people far away." Chongkui said.

"How do you see it?" Wu Li asked.

"He Zhong, big and small, is also a person. He died so badly. News of his death will soon spread from Zhao Guo. If he is involved with Zhao Ruyi, people from all over the world will pay special attention."

(End of this chapter)

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