Chapter 1262 Student Huaxi [6]

"He is so important to you?" Wu Li raised his voice behind her and asked, "Chongkui was not like that, she was just cold on the outside, but very gentle on the inside, she wouldn't hurt another person so coldly! You Did it become like this only because of Ji Xuanshang?"

Chongkui walked into the room and closed the door heavily to isolate his voice from the outside.

That's right, it's all because of Ji Xuanshang!So what?It has nothing to do with him!

She is really cold-blooded towards Ruyi, but she is also very straightforward!
Isn't it fair to use his own way to treat his own body?

There are some things she can do, but it doesn't mean that these things she can do are her obligations, and they are all things she must do!
So what if she doesn't save Shi Yue?Who can make things difficult for her?

As long as Zhao Ruyi has experienced that pain, she will feel refreshed!
She doesn't care what kind of person she is, good person?bad guy?Are there any boundaries?

She once taught a student, and that child was extremely talented, the best she had ever seen. After leaving the teacher, he became a success and once led the entire mercenary world. Although she was a girl, almost everyone recognized her strength , because she has done a lot of things. In the eyes of others, those things have good things and bad things, but for her, she can always achieve her goal in the end.

Some people say that she is too cold-blooded, others say that she is merciful, and what she does is always unpredictable.

Many years after graduation, she came to her, seeming to be afraid that she would be too disappointed, so she said to Zhongkui: "Teacher, I never regret what I do, but people like us are born to see people in the dark. But we are not the darkest people, there are people who are darker than us, those people are not worthy of mercy, and some people, they are not dark in my eyes, such people, why should they be the same as those people in the dark What will happen?"

Zhongkui said: "The darkness you see may be just the darkness you see, and the light you see is only the light you think it is. Maybe where you can't see, darkness and light are the same."

"I don't believe it." She shook her head resolutely, "There are no purely good people and bad people in this world, only good people who do good things, and bad people who do bad things. Whether I can see it or not, I believe that darkness and light will never be the same."

Chong Kui was speechless for these words, so he fell silent.

She looked at her and said, "Teacher, does my appearance disappoint you?"

Zhongkui smiled and shook her head: "How can the students I teach disappoint me, you will always be my proudest student."

"Really?" Her eyes sparkled.

"Maybe you are not born to live in the dark, you are more suitable for the light, just like your name, the light is China, the sun is the sun." Chong Kui said.

Hua Xi's eyes were slightly red: "Teacher is the same, I never feel that you live in the dark."

"No, I'm different from you." Zhongkui said, "My life has always been dark, and there has never been light. Even if there is, it is just a temporary illusion."

Hua Xi stared at her blankly, "How can someone who can name me like this live in darkness?"

Zhongkui suddenly felt that she couldn't remember what happened next, and her head ached slightly, so she went to the bed and sat down, pressing her forehead.
How about it, let's make an appearance~ Memory Killer also makes an appearance~
(End of this chapter)

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