Nine Phoenix Dynasty Phoenix Heavy Kwai Chapter

Chapter 1274 The Birth of Fusu [3]

Chapter 1274 The Birth of Fusu [3]

do you know?Since then, I have been thinking in my heart, no matter who I am, no matter what the future will be, I will be by his side and repay the life he gave me this time. "

Tears welled up in her eyes, and after she finished speaking, the tears flowed down with a splash, but Chongkui laughed.

Wu Li stared at her blankly, listening to what she said.

"You won't understand. When there is a person who devotes all his obsession with this world to you, when he gives everything for you without asking for anything in return, and it happens that you like him too, that is the most beautiful person in the world." the good things."

"I can do what he did." Wu Li said in a low voice, feeling so upset.

He did a lot for her!

When she was taken away by Chong Feng, it was he who paid a huge price to allow her to preserve a strand of Kui's consciousness!
If not, how could Ji Xuanshang have the opportunity to summon her back with his obsession?

"It's different!" Chongkui gasped, "There are too many distracting thoughts in your world. You think about others and want to do other things, but in his world, I am the only one! In that world, Before I appeared, he walked alone in a blank space, but now, I fill his whole world, I am his whole world, he is not the same as you at all!"

She retorted loudly, leaving Wu Li no room to argue.

"These, I will do for you in the future." Wu Li said.

"I don't need it anymore." Zhongkui smiled palely, "In my life, there is one person who does this for me, and I am already very satisfied."

"Why? You didn't even give me a chance?" Wu Li said unwillingly.

Chongkui slowly looked away, turned her head to look out the window, the blue sky, the white clouds were far away, it seemed like a faint puff of smoke suspended in the air.

"Brother Wuli..." she said, her soft voice sounded like that little girl from many years ago.

Wu Li's heart seemed to be hit by something for a moment, he opened his eyes slightly and looked at her.

Chongkui said: "The kite you gave had a broken thread and flew away... You cut the thread yourself."

The great pain was like a tide, drowning Wu Li in an instant, and almost suffocated to death in the sea of ​​pain.

Little by little, he slowly let go of her hand, and when his eyes drooped, there seemed to be tears streaming down slowly.

Chongkui turned his eyes away again, not looking at him.

Wu Li stood up slowly, stood quietly in front of her for a while, then turned around, and asked the people outside in a flat tone: "Is Mrs. Wen here?"


The maid led the two women in.

"Give birth to the child, I want the mother and child to be safe, and if there is anything wrong, I want you to pay for it with your life!"

"Yes, yes..." Wen Po was quite frightened.

Seeing Wu Li go out, Chong Kui plucked up his strength and said, "Wu Li! When I was here, I just looked at her. She hated you all her life! But in the end, when she took my place, I knew she forgave you." is you!"

Wu Li paused, turned his back to her, and whispered, "You're lying to me, she can't forgive me."

What he knew... She was only moved with compassion at the last moment.

So it was just to comfort him.

That heavy sunflower, it is impossible to forgive him...

This is a debt he has been carrying in his heart all his life, and he has never felt at ease now.

Chongkui looked at his back, the abdominal pain became more and more serious, and she no longer had the energy to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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