Nine Phoenix Dynasty Phoenix Heavy Kwai Chapter

Chapter 1508 City of the Gods [5]

Chapter 1508 City of the Gods [5]

Accidentally stepped on a stone under her feet, she fell backwards on the ground, struggled to get up again, and quickly left the pool.

It's horrible not wanting to see myself like that.

Chongkui walked quickly, tripped over weeds several times on the way, and almost fell down. When she was out of breath, she found that she had come to the largest pool.

It was almost a small lake. There should have been lotus flowers blooming on the surface of the lake, so there were green lotus leaves floating on it at this moment.

This small lake looks very normal, with lotus leaves growing, so there should be nothing weird about it.

The water here is weird.

Chongkui sat by the lake, slowly calming down the horror in her heart.

She has to get out of this place quickly.

In the mausoleum of the pre-Qin king, those people should be very anxious when they found out that she was missing.

If they search for her inside and dare not close the tomb, it will be a waste of time.

It's been a long time since she came in, counting the time, it's almost time.

But where should she go from here now?
While thinking about it, Chongkui wanted to get some water to wipe his hands. When he fell down just now, his palms were cut.

She stirred the surface of the water with her hands, but there was nothing unusual, the water was at a normal temperature, and there were no strange figures in the ripples.

Zhongkui squatted by the water, washing the blood off his hands bit by bit.

This is, a lotus leaf slowly floated to her hand, she pushed the lotus leaf away, and a strange thing happened at that time.

The pushed lotus leaf caused a small ripple, and then, the space seemed to be distorted, and the lotus leaf became strangely shaped.

Zhongkui quickly withdrew her hand, is there any strange thing going to happen?
She couldn't help but look towards the water. The water here is very strange, and weird things can be seen from the water.

But what made her feel even more strange was that the surface of the water was constantly distorting, and it was really dark inside, and nothing appeared.

There's none?
It was so strange, she thought she would see something weird.

After a while, she stood up, no matter how distorted the space was, it had nothing to do with her.

A hand suddenly came out of the water and grabbed her foot!

Sure enough, never take it lightly!

Shocked by Chong Kui, she could only instinctively step on that hand!
The surrounding space began to distort, but the hand that grabbed her was so strong, no matter how hard she tried to step her away, she never let go!

This strength is going to crush her bones!

"How can you become a god without getting rid of the demonic nature? Tell me, tell me!"

The hysterical voice was questioning loudly.

what with what?
"Let go!" The strength of that hand was too great, as if it wanted to drag her into the lake together, Chongkui had to struggle desperately.

"How can you become a god if you haven't got rid of your demonic nature?" The voice still asked stubbornly.

"I don't know!" Zhongkui found that he couldn't break free from that hand.

"Haha, do you think that if you get rid of me from her, her demonic nature can really disappear? A god is a god, and a demon is a demon! People can become immortals, demons can become immortals, but demons cannot!"

Such a hateful voice made Chongkui feel a chill in his heart.

She had been dragged to the pool, and at this moment, she also saw that figure in the pool.

It's the woman I saw just now...

She looks like Jinse, looking at her face, Zhongkui can't kill him no matter what.

Jinse, Jinse...

(End of this chapter)

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