Nine Phoenix Dynasty Phoenix Heavy Kwai Chapter

Chapter 1516 The Past Disappears 【3】

Chapter 1516 The Past Disappears 【3】


How is that different from watching the future?
However, she really wanted to see Fusu's future. As a mother, all mothers in the world wanted to see what the future of their children would be like, right?
But... In that case, Fusu's life would become lifeless.

Because she knows, then she will do everything possible to avoid his future disasters.

So, what's the point?

Forget it, let’s take a look at Nowhere to Be.

Chongkui thought about the boundless beasts, and then looked towards the future pool.

The cold mist on the water surface is slowly dissipating, revealing the clear water surface, and the black stone surface at the bottom is as smooth as a mirror.

Gradually, some influence appeared on the sloshing water.

That was in Weiyang Palace.

She recognized the furnishings inside at a glance.

However, it is always the future, and some places in Weiyang Palace are different from the present.

Moreover, it was empty, and that feeling was that of being unpopular, as if no one had come in for a long time.

However, in the inner hall of Weiyang Palace, neither she nor Ji Xuanshang liked to be disturbed by people entering, so the maids and eunuchs were forbidden to enter.

It's just that she didn't feel empty when she was inside, but from the perspective of a bystander, the inside was indeed empty.

However, the pair of lovebirds embroidered with gold thread and precious stones that Ji Xuanshang gave her is still there, hanging in the room.

In the simple environment, the golden portrait is so conspicuous.

And she was sitting under that portrait.

She could tell it was her at a glance, because there was not much difference between her future self and her present self.

Even, her face still looks like a girl's face, if you don't look at the eyes, there is still a kind of youthful and tenderness of a girl on her cheeks.

But in the future, her eyes will no longer be so clear and clean.

However, there is one thing that makes Zhongkui very gratified, that is, her eyes are still bright and radiant.

That means her soul hasn't dissipated, she hasn't become a real puppet.

This can be regarded as seeing a part of her future. Fortunately, it is better, so that she will not push and push.

That being the case, she must be able to find a way to keep herself from becoming a real puppet.

The scene in the future pool is still going on, but it has been the same scene for a long time.

In Weiyang Palace, she was sitting under the golden lovebird painting, her head was hanging down, her hair was not combed, and it was scattered around her body.

And she was wearing a snow-white dress without any extra decorations.

what is she doing

Why not move?
Chongkui just looked at herself like that for a long time.

There is no sound in the screen, I don't know if it's because no one is speaking, or because no sound can be heard.

After a while, someone opened the door and came in.

Chong Kui in the picture raised his eyes slightly and looked at the person coming.

It was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy, wearing black clothes. The state of Qin regards black as the most honorable, and a person who can wear black must have an unusual status.

She has never met that boy, but judging from his clothes, his status should not be low.

who is it?

Could it be Fusu?
She really wanted to take a closer look at the boy's face, but since he came in, his back has been turned away.

Probably this is about the memory of Boundless Beasts, so other people are not the main ones.

However, it is very likely that it is Fusu, he is the crown prince, besides Ji Xuanshang, in Xianyang Palace, only he is qualified to wear such a solemn and noble gorgeous black robe.


Today is June 1st, it is my holiday after all, I will add a new chapter as soon as I am happy ~ Please ask for a monthly ticket on the [-]st ~ Give me everything~ Happy June [-]st~

(End of this chapter)

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