Nine Phoenix Dynasty Phoenix Heavy Kwai Chapter

Chapter 1568 Prince Yan Kingdom [3]

Chapter 1568 Prince Yan Kingdom [3]

She seemed to know that leaving the slave market was not actually a relief, and that greater pain would greet her.

So, she didn't want to be taken away, she lowered her head, not wanting to be noticed by anyone.

Zhongkui looked at the girl, and the corner of her mouth raised slightly. It was not easy to see such a smart child.

"Just her." Zhongkui pointed to the corner and said without hesitation.

She can't go wrong with the person she sees at a glance.

Without saying a word, Ren Yazi walked over and dragged the little girl out of the corner.

The little girl let out a low cry of fear, not expecting that she would be chosen, and trembling with fright.

She doesn't want to leave here, why choose her?

"Little girl is blessed!" Ren Yazi said with a smile.

She knew that Chongkui was a good person, since she brought the slaves to the door to choose, Chongkui was not selected, but gave them money to buy food.

In this world, there are no such kind-hearted people anymore.

"Do you have a name?" Shigekui asked.

Seeing the little girl's struggle, I couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic.

"There are too many of these children, how can someone name them?" Ren Yazi said with a smile.

Zhongkui understands that in the slave market, thousands of slaves, like livestock in captivity, will not have names.

She didn't say much, after paying the money, she took the little girl and left.

After the general slaves are bought back, they have to be trained for a few days, so as not to be ignorant and hurt others, so they are usually locked with heavy chains.

After sending them outside the slave market, Ren Yazi returned with a smile on his face.

Chongkui then took out the key and directly opened the iron chains on the little girl's hands and feet.

Subconsciously, the little girl took a step back and looked at her puzzled.

"First, I bought you, so you have to follow me. Second, I can give you enough food and drink, and you don't have to worry about your name. Third, I have a newborn child who needs to be taken care of."

Chongkui just said these three points, and then walked forward without telling the little girl to follow.

She has always disliked talking nonsense, she expresses her meaning clearly and leaves it for others to consider.

If you think about it clearly, you will naturally make a choice.

The little girl looked at the back of her leaving, in a daze, and it took a long time to think clearly about what she said.

Blinking her big eyes, the little girl trotted after her.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Zhongkui's lips, and she said to her, "Do you know why I chose you?"

The little girl shook her head, not daring to speak easily.

"It's too longing in other people's eyes. That long-term longing can make people feel unpredictable, but you don't have that kind of urgent longing, so I think your heart is actually very gentle."

Hearing Chongkui's words, the little girl didn't speak, her eyes were slightly red, she just followed her step by step with her head down.

Zhongkui didn't say any more.

On the way, there was a seller of jujube cakes. Chongkui bought a few yuan for the little girl when she heard her stomach growling with hunger.

The little girl looked at her timidly, not daring to eat.

Zhongkui had no choice but to pinch a piece first and put it in his mouth.

"You can eat it, it's delicious."

The little girl picked up the jujube cake strangely and put it in her mouth. Suddenly, the sweet taste spread in her mouth.

Along with the sweetness spread out, there is also a taste of happiness.

"Delicious." She whispered.

She had never eaten such a delicious thing.

"Do you have a name?" Zhongkui asked with a smile.

The little girl looked up at her. Under the sun, Chongkui's smile was warm and clear, which warmed her heart all of a sudden.

(End of this chapter)

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