Chapter 1639 Nether Prison [4]

"One day with you, Xiao Jiu will never be able to comprehend the realm of the soul, so you can't stay in the world." Su Que slowly raised his hand, and the puppet's rope kept circulating between his fingers.

"Is it still so important to understand the realm of the soul?" Chong Kui sneered, "When he died, the only condition was that you endow me with a soul, but you didn't."

"Do you think it's so easy to give a soul?" Su Que was full of hatred for her, "Xiao Jiu is naive, and you are so naive. To give a soul, you need something of the same value in exchange. If it was so easy, why did Chong Feng Are you trying your best to find the pure spirit body?"

Zhongkui understood that there is nothing in this world that does not require a price.

To endow a puppet with a soul, I am afraid that the puppet master will have to pay everything.

Back then, Tan Jiu didn't understand anything, thinking that if he sacrificed himself, he would be able to survive in exchange for Zhongkui.


"Since this is the case, there is destined to be a big battle between you and me. Why bother, just kill me now and let Ji Xuanshang leave." Chongkui said.

Su Que glanced at Ji Xuanshang: "He has suffered such a serious injury and has been trapped in the illusion for so long. He is no longer my opponent. Let him go."

"I won't leave." Ji Xuanshang said lightly, here, he and Chongkui fought side by side, even if they died, they would die together.

"Does King Qin want to seek death by himself?" Su Que asked arrogantly.

"Chongkui is my life, leaving her is tantamount to killing me, so there is no difference." Ji Xuanshang said frankly and naturally.

Hearing this, Su Yu couldn't help frowning.

What is the feeling of love as life?
Even if puppets like them have souls, they won't understand.

But Tan Jiu knew it before, so he gave his life for this woman.

Su Que doesn't like that kind of extreme emotion!
"In that case, let's take the move!" Su Que said coldly, and immediately made a move.

The frantically dancing puppet rope came out from all directions of the mist without any buffer time!
It seems that Su Que has already been lurking here and waiting!

Su Que is a puppet master who has comprehended the realm of the soul, so powerful that he is abnormal!
Ji Xuanshang in his heyday might be able to defeat him, but now...

Chong Kui flew forward to resist Su Qu's attack, and said to Ji Xuanshang, "I'll drag him for a while, you go and pluck the strings to open the illusion!"

Ji Xuanshang didn't hesitate. In this kind of battle, every second counts, and every minute and every second must not be wasted!

He quickly arrived in front of the guqin, and there was naturally a barrier left by Wu Li around the piano, but for him, the barrier was nothing special.

He quickly opened the barrier, put his fingers on the strings, and quickly plucked a series of notes.

The best piano, even those who don't know how to play the piano, can create the most beautiful and melodious melodies.

With the sound of the piano, the surrounding fog all dispersed.

If Xiao Shulou's words were verified, it was the guqin that Feng Mo once carried with him!

As long as the sound of the piano sounds, this foggy illusion will be automatically broken!

The fog, like black glue solidified in the sky, melted automatically and slowly took the opportunity to the ground.

The world beyond the mist loomed in sight.

This is not Xianyang Palace, but in a mountain near Yongcheng Palace.

It turns out that Feng Mo placed the barrier here, and there are few people here, so no one will find out.

(End of this chapter)

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