Chapter 1649 Two vast places [4]

Thinking of lying next to a corpse, and now the corpse moved, Chongkui's mood can be described as 'collapse'.

While feeling uneasy, she heard Wujiang's voice filled with shock and anger: "Impossible, how could you be resurrected?!"

Then, the boundless roar became more and more intense, like a storm that overturned the whole world in the eternal silence.

Zhongkui only felt a strong purple light shining above her eyelids, so strong that she felt uncomfortable even when she closed her eyes.

What happened?
Is that Son of God really resurrected?

She wanted to open her eyes to see, but that kind of intense light was definitely beyond the tolerance of normal people.

The tomb suddenly began to violently turmoil, the ground shook and the mountains shook.

Boom, boom—

The sound of huge boulders falling could be heard endlessly.

It is the tomb that has fallen!

Chongkui was shocked, the tomb collapsed, what should she do?
What about Wu Li?
What about Borderless?
"Mo Wuji!"

The sound of Wujiang's roar was the last sound she heard.

She didn't know what was going on outside at all, but felt a scorching force coming from the beasts on her body, as if it was going to pierce her heart!
what happened?

She opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but there were sounds like mountains and tsunami all around her.


At this moment, she couldn't hear any sound, she only felt rumbling around her eardrums, and she didn't even know what to say when she opened her mouth.


The purple light above the eyes suddenly dimmed, and something huge fell down, it must be a huge stone.

She was lying in the sarcophagus, trying to dodge, but a hand was still stretched out, pressing down on her shoulder, preventing her from getting up.

Then in the next second, a huge stone fell down, blocking all the light.

The top of the sarcophagus was also sealed.

In the darkness, Chongkui opened his eyes and pushed the boulder up with all his strength, but it didn't move at all.

How big is this rock?
There was another violent shaking outside, and then, it fell into complete silence.

what happened?What about people?
Wuli, Wujiang, where did you go?

Zhongkui fumbled to the side.

Is the Son of God still alive? He seems to have been 'resurrected' as Wujiang said just now. So, where is he?
Chongkui's hand just felt empty.

There was no one around at all.

She became a little uneasy, groped around, moved her body a little to the side with difficulty, and groped around in the sarcophagus.

However, there is really nothing.

"anyone there?"

She remembered very clearly that when the boulder fell, a hand beside her stopped her from getting up.

How could that person have disappeared?
Chongkui was flustered, locked in the dark sarcophagus alone, how could she not panic.

The boulder above was like a heavy mountain, and she couldn't move it at all.

In Netherworld, her spiritual power is restricted, she can only use a small part of her spiritual power, and spells cannot be used in such a narrow space, otherwise she will be the first to die.

"Wu Li? Wu Li, where are you?" Chong Kui started calling Wu Li's name loudly.

He's outside!
Since he was a child, he would protect himself. Although he was selfish, except for the time when he took away the pure spirit body, he never really did anything that endangered her life.

If he was outside, he would definitely come to rescue her!

(End of this chapter)

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