Nine Phoenix Dynasty Phoenix Heavy Kwai Chapter

Chapter 1661 Time is like passing water [6]

Chapter 1661 Time is like passing water [6]

"You are the person I hate the most in my life!" Chongkui gritted her teeth, but still couldn't stop the tears of sadness, "But you are dead, why should I hate you?"

Tears almost froze on the cheeks, forming a layer of frost, and the heat in the body couldn't help the cold.

Wu Li just slept in Netherworld forever like that. In this place, I don't know if he can be reincarnated.

The Nether space seems to be enclosed alone.

"You can take away his spirit pill." The voice of the Son of God sounded in the gust of wind, reminding Zhongkui.

She looked at Wu Li's body, and sure enough, she found a light blue bead where her hands were.

She is very familiar with that kind of thing. When Shi Yue passed away, he also gave her the Lingpo Pill. The original intention was to hope that she could use the spiritual power in it to cultivate.

She picked up Wu Li's Spirit Pill, and a faint spiritual power came from it, somewhat familiar.

This is Wu Li...

Chongkui put the Lingpo Pill into his mustard seed talisman, and then under his palm, he found the Boundless Beast that he pressed tightly on his body to prevent it from being lost.

At the moment before he died, he must have been very scared. How could he get nothing after working so hard?
If Boundless Beasts were lost, it would be meaningless to force Chongkui to come in.

So he desperately wants to protect the beasts without boundaries.

Chongkui picked up Wu Jiang, and the black jade that had been broken into several pieces had been glued together by some kind of force.

On this simple piece of black jade, the shapes of tens of thousands of beasts are galloping, and the carvings are so vivid that it seems that those beasts will come to life in the next second.

Chongkui tightly held Myriad Beasts Boundless, trying to send in subtle spiritual power, and suddenly, a dark but vast world spread out in front of her eyes.

It's a pity that it was pitch black, and there seemed to be two huge black stone gates standing in front of it, blocking her spiritual power from entering.

That is the seal that requires a contract to enter.

This piece of Boundless Beasts seems to be alive again?
But the Son of God has already said that Wujiang has not been sealed in...

So why?
Looking at the black ancient jade without any cracks on the surface, Chongkui felt an unprecedented chill in his heart.

"That piece of black jade must be the boundless sealed container that once escaped from the Netherworld." The Son of God said flatly.

"The name of this piece of black jade is called Myriad Beasts. Although I don't know it, I know that he has a lot of influence and has power that ordinary people can't imagine." Chongkui said in a low voice.

The Son of God asked coldly: "So you came to Nether regardless of life and death, just to restore the boundless beasts? Get the powerful power inside?"

His tone sounded very disdainful. If they came to Nether for power and let Wujiang go, then they will be sinners through the ages and will never be forgiven by the world.

"No," Chong Kui shook his head lightly, "I never knew what kind of power Wanshou Wujiang possessed, and Wu Li didn't covet it either."

"Then why does he forcefully want to enter the Borderless Seal?"

"For me." Chongkui's lips were dry and cracked by the cold wind, and the thin blood was already dry and cracked before it seeped out.

She licked the corners of her lips, and tasted a colder colder than Netherworld.

The Son of God looked at her inexplicably: "What do you want to do?"

"I am a puppet, and he wants to turn me into a human being, a real human being, not relying on a pure spirit body, but just like a normal person."

(End of this chapter)

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