Nine Phoenix Dynasty Phoenix Heavy Kwai Chapter

Chapter 1673 Four Seas Seeking Phoenixes [4]

Chapter 1673 Seeking Phoenixes from All over the World [8]

He is also not used to calling that woman his mother.

"It's absolutely true!" said the attendant, "Young Master An Ran is in Lishan, just happened to meet her! It is confirmed that it is indeed him!"

An Ran, An Ran again.

He immediately found the woman his father loved most, so he must be able to get a lot of praise in front of his father.

"An Ran did not disappoint me", would Father say that?
"Have you already sent someone to notify the father?" Although Fu Su said so, he knew that the smart An Ran must have already notified the father.

"Young Master An Ran has already dispatched a message to His Majesty. In addition, he and the queen also set off for the East China Sea to meet His Majesty." The attendant said.

"They went to the East China Sea?" Fusu was a little disappointed, "But Lishan is very close to Xianyang..."

He thought that his mother, who had been missing for 19 years, was finally back, and she would definitely want to meet him.

After all, my father also said that my mother's love for me surpassed my own life, and she gave her life to give birth to him.

Although Fusu himself didn't expect much from his mother, after 19 years of separation, he still wanted to see her very much.

But she... actually went directly to Donghai without coming to see him.

In Fusu's heart, she still couldn't help being disappointed.

It turns out that she, like her father, doesn't really care about herself.

The attendant raised his head anxiously, he didn't know how to answer Mr. Su's words, so he could only wait anxiously.

"I know everything, you go down." Fusu has a gentle personality, but he won't lose his temper with his servants.

"Yes." The servant stepped back slowly.

Fusu lowered his head, thought for a while, and then said to Qi Lu who was in a daze: "Lang Zhongling thinks that the queen mother is back, will the father return to Xianyang together?"

Qi Lu has slowly returned to his senses, but his heart is still unable to recover from the shock for a long time.

She's back... When I think about it, I feel like my soul is on fire.

Master, it has been 19 years, and it turns out that you are really still alive.

Qi Lu slowly suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said in a relatively calm voice: "Where the queen is, so is your majesty."

"So the royal father will come back soon." Fu Su pursed his lips and smiled, he was looking forward to seeing the royal father, "I don't know how the royal father is doing."

"Young master, don't you want to see the queen?" Qi Lu glanced at Fusu.

He knew very well that Fusu's affection for Chongkui had been weak since he was a child, but he didn't expect it to be so weak...

"Of course I want to, but..." Fu Su struggled to find the right words, "I don't remember her very much. She left when I was very young."

"But Mr. An Ran is younger than you, he has always been very concerned about the queen." Qi Lu said.

"An Ran has been by her mother's side since birth, I'm different." Fu Su bit his lip, "I don't know why, but I'm a little afraid of her. Does Lang Zhong Ling know what kind of person she is?"

Qi Lu looked at Fusu with deep eyes, and he spoke slowly.

"She is a woman who can stand shoulder to shoulder with His Majesty. She is proud, powerful, and radiant. Countless people look up to her, including me."

Hearing these words, Fu Su also felt more and more cautious, "Is she... very cold?"

"For young master, of course not, you are her child." Qi Lu said ambiguously.

"Then what about others?" Fusu looked at him, "For example, what is her attitude towards Lang Zhongling?"

(End of this chapter)

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