Nine Phoenix Dynasty Phoenix Heavy Kwai Chapter

Chapter 5 9-year-old silly girl [3]

Chapter 5 Nine-year-old silly girl [3]

Seeing the two teenagers turn around the screen and come out one after the other, Chongkui glanced at them and couldn't help but praise secretly.

What a skin!
The young man walking in front has a fair complexion, beautiful facial features, under the two dense rows of eyelashes, a pair of peach blossom eyes are full of affection, just looking at them will drown in them, the pale pink lips are better than the peach blossoms flying in March, and they are more beautiful than women a bit.

He was wearing a loose-fitting robe of various colors, with the skirt slightly open, revealing a pink-white chest, exuding a somewhat ambiguous and unruly charm, like a peacock with its tail open.

The other boy has a sharp silhouette, and a sharp cold light flashes in his light brown eyes, like a sharp sword, but he is still handsome and handsome. The light blue robe sets off his body. Thin and tall.

As soon as he came in, he stood aside with his hands folded, his expression extremely indifferent, and he seemed not interested in looking at her.

These two people with very different styles appear together, and the style of painting is not ordinary.

"Little darling, are you feeling better?" The peacock boy smiled sweeter than honey when he saw her, and stared at her, as if in his eyes, she was the whole world.

A master at picking up girls.

Chongkui made a conclusion, seeing him walking towards her as if no one else was there, he concluded that this person must be the young master Mo who is most favored by 'her'.

"No." Before he reached out to hug her up, Chongkui suddenly said lazily, "Kneel down."

Feng Mo was slightly taken aback, but looking at her pink face, he knew that she was always in a daze, so he didn't think much about it, and knelt down at her feet as she wanted.

"Little darling, are you happy?" The smile on her lips was still full of doting.

Zhongkui tilted her head, then shook her head: "Not happy."

"Oh? Then what can I do to make my little darling happy?" Feng Mo said softly, with a pair of peach blossom eyes filled with a shimmering soft light, anyone who sees it will fall in love.

A boy who is only twelve or thirteen years old knows the Tao so well, can he still grow up?

Chongkui snorted coldly in her heart, said with a small face expressionlessly: "Get up."

Feng Mo smiled, sure enough, this silly girl liked him to death, and was not willing to let him kneel for a long time.

As he stood up, he planned to say a few words to comfort her. Anyway, that boy Wu Li was driven away by her, and he could only decide what to do in the Chongfu from now on.

Coax her first, then slowly gain power.

However, he was only halfway up when he heard Zhongkui lazily say another sentence:
"Go outside and kneel."

As soon as these words came out, the frivolous and doting smile on Feng Mo's face instantly froze!

What did this silly girl say?Did he hear correctly?Let him...go kneel outside?

The indifferent young man who folded his hands also had a flash of surprise in his eyes, and looked at Zhong Kui in shock, his dark eyes gradually narrowed.

Qingtong was stunned for a while, and then she was overjoyed, extremely happy!

The little master suddenly became enlightened, and finally saw the true face of Feng Mo, a hypocritical and insidious guy!

"Mr. Mo, what are you doing in a daze? Didn't you hear the little master's words?" Qingtong suppressed her ecstasy, and said to Feng Mo coldly.

"Little darling..." Feng Mo is not reconciled, she won't, this silly girl usually wants to give him her heart, how could she...

"What did you call me?" Chong Kui raised her head with a confused face, her eyes were full of pure childlike innocence, and she blinked, as if she didn't understand anything.

(End of this chapter)

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