Nine Phoenix Dynasty Phoenix Heavy Kwai Chapter

Chapter 931 A Beautiful Man Out of the Bath [2]

Chapter 931 A Beautiful Man Out of the Bath [2]

Seeing that she was about to walk out the door, Ji Shu hurriedly said, "Miss Chongkui, this way."

Ji Shu pointed out the window, feeling a little embarrassed at the same time.

Chongkui glanced at the window, and his heart skipped a beat.

"King Qin said he was waiting for you here, but I don't understand..."

"I see, thank you. Can you go back alone?" Chong Kui said with a smile.

"Don't worry, the king sent someone to escort me home." Ji Shu said hurriedly.

"That's good." Chongkui turned around and jumped out of the window. The hidden guards who had been guarding her outside were not there, so she could keep walking along the long corridor that no one else could see. Go to the place where the trees shade.

The sparkling small lake seems to be isolated from the whole world.

Bursts of icy cold air gradually hit, several times colder than the twelfth lunar month of winter, and even Zhongkui couldn't help but get goose bumps.

She has been to the Netherworld before, and the cold air of the Netherworld is so penetrating to the bone marrow, even with spiritual protection, the cold air will still penetrate.

Zhongkui walked through the low bushes and walked to the lake. Above the head, the cold moonlight shone on the lake, and a layer of white mist slowly floated up. It was the cold air that almost condensed into frost.

The water near the lake froze into hard, transparent ice.

Chongkui walked slowly to the edge of the lake, squatted down, and put her hands into the lake water. As soon as her fingers touched the lake water, she immediately retracted.

He lowered his head and looked at his fingers, they were a little red, and he couldn't help being startled. Extremely cold water, like extremely hot boiling water, can also hurt people.

"There is a ghostly chill in this water, be careful." The voice of King Ling suddenly sounded.

"The cold air of the netherworld." Chongkui couldn't help but speak.

There was a 'gudong' sound on the surface of the water, as if there was something alive under the water.

Zhongkui tensed her body vigilantly, staring at the bubbling place in the center of the lake without turning her eyes.

'Gudong, Gudong...' Bubbles came up continuously, and then there was a 'crash', and a figure appeared, and the frosty white at the end of the long hair gradually smudged in the water.

His pale skin gleamed in the cold moonlight.

Chongkui was stunned suddenly, and gradually tightened his fingers, his breath was all choked in his throat and he couldn't get out.

What will happen if you walk into such cold water?
Putting your fingers in it almost froze, not to mention soaking your whole body in it?
He stood in the water with his back to her, a black aura slowly overflowed from the surface of his skin, and sank to the bottom of the water along with the cold air.

The sparkling water surface seemed to be polluted by ink, the water surface gradually turned black, and the bone-chilling coldness also disappeared.

The surface of the water seems to be warming up, because the temperature of the surrounding air is also slowly rising.

Chongkui raised his head and looked at his back. His pale complexion remained unchanged, but there was no longer any black spiritual power radiating from the surface.

Zhongkui didn't know how long she squatted there watching, she didn't notice the numbness of his legs until he turned his head slightly, with a slight smile on his side face.

"Why don't you talk?" He said softly, not sure if it was because of the cold, his voice was tense, like a tight string that was about to break.

"I don't know what to say."

Ji Xuanshang turned around slowly, looked at her with red eyes, and said, "So you have been peeking from the side all the time?"
I'm broken~hahaha~~ Do you want to throw yourself down?Give the monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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