Nine Phoenix Dynasty Phoenix Heavy Kwai Chapter

Chapter 971 Puppet Sandalwood 9 [10]

Chapter 971 Puppet Sandalwood Nine [10]

After a few ups and downs, Tan Jiu stopped, slipped in between a thick clump of branches, and landed on the ground.

Looking down from a high altitude, you can't see anything inside, it's still dense vegetation.

But after entering, I felt that there was something wrong.

There were dead trees lying all over the ground, and boulders and hard ground formed by condensed magma rolled down.

It's just a long period of time, coupled with years of wind and rain erosion, whether it is dead wood or stones, are covered with moss, and the thick fallen leaves almost cover the ground.

It is conceivable that hundreds of years ago, there was an earth-shattering volcanic eruption here.

"It's here!" Chongkui was full of joy, if it wasn't for Tan Jiu, he wouldn't know what year and month he would have found in this vast land.

Now as long as you find the crater and go in, you can go back with Qifengyulu, without wasting a few months.

"It erupted from above." Tan Jiu raised his head and looked at a slightly higher place.

There was also a dense forest there, without the slightest shadow of a volcano.

"After the volcanic activity, it will stay dormant for a long time. The crater above may be blocked when it erupts, but you can definitely go in."

Zhongkui stepped on the rocks and walked up. There is indeed no crater.

It seems that this volcano has been dormant for too many years, and there should be no possibility of eruption for a while.

The so-called fire spirit beast must also be sleeping.

Chongkui looked at it from a high place, frowned in thought, there was thick lava piled up here, and brute force had to be used to break it open.

But once brute force is used, I'm afraid it will startle the fire spirit beast inside, which is counterproductive.

How to do it?

Naturally, the map Wu Chaoyun gave her would not give her any help or hints.

"That demon is dead inside." Tan Jiu followed up, looked around and said, "There is only one entrance here, and he can't get out once he enters."

an entrance? ?

Chongkui suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and immediately said: "The demon is not dead, this volcano is just a cover-up for him to escape! After he entered, he alarmed the fire spirit beast, causing the volcano to erupt, preventing you from chasing him!"

"Then where did he run from?"

"There is a second entrance to enter this volcano!" Chongkui said, then summoned the Blood Phoenix, leaped onto the blazing back, and instantly flew into the sky.

Seeing her fly away, Tan Jiu also jumped into the air.

The blood phoenix soared in the sky, and Chongkui pointed to a direction and said loudly to Tan Jiu, "Over there!"

Saying that, the blood phoenix flew towards that direction rapidly.

The mountain slowly fell, and gradually, there was a loud sound of a waterfall.

In the middle of the mountain, there is a huge waterfall, flying down three thousand feet, and the spray of water mist fills half of the valley.

A rushing river rolled away in the mountains and forests, and after flowing into the distance, it gradually calmed down.

"The water is too powerful." The blood phoenix has been hovering outside the waterfall, talking to Chongkui in his heart.

He is of the fire attribute, and he is naturally incompatible with water. It may be difficult to break into a waterfall of that level.

If King Ling was here at this moment, he would have sneered arrogantly and said, "What kind of waterfall is this? Compared with Huangquan Waterfall in the Sunset Mountain Range, it's like a child's play."

Chongkui said solemnly: "This is probably the second exit to the interior of the volcano, we must go in."

(End of this chapter)

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