Destiny Phoenix

Chapter 246 An accident happened to the prince

Chapter 246 An accident happened to the prince

There are still ten days until the New Year's Eve.

Most of the ice in the city has melted away, leaving only some icicles stubbornly persisting in the shadows that do not see the sun all day long.

Because it is an imperial city, the houses here are stronger than other places, and the people have not been affected too much. Most of them have already started to prepare for the New Year's Eve.

At this moment, a bad news spread into the capital.

Holding the order flag, the messenger almost scrambled into the palace and ran to the imperial study.

In the imperial study room, the emperor was discussing matters with King Ning, Gu Changci, and several ministers from the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Rites. When he saw someone rushing in, he couldn't help but stop what he was doing and looked over at him.

"Report, report to the emperor, the prince, the prince... something happened to him!" The messenger seemed to have been seriously injured, with blood all over his body.

After holding his breath and finishing speaking, he fell to the ground and stopped moving.

The emperor was shocked, and almost jumped up from the dragon chair, ran to the messenger in a few steps, grabbed him by the lapel and lifted him up, "You tell me what's wrong with the prince?!"

However, the emperor's fury didn't help. The orderly drooped his head and never woke up again.

Mu Zheng, the commander of the imperial army, came over, sniffed his breath, and said softly, "Your Majesty, he is dead."

Hearing this, the emperor let go of his hand in a daze.

With a plop, the messenger fell to the ground again.

How unlucky it is for the emperor to have a dead person in front of him!Ruijing hurriedly recruited a few young eunuchs, and quickly dragged the messenger's body out.

The emperor didn't notice this, and walked to the table with heavy steps.Suddenly, he turned around quickly, pointed at Muzheng and shouted uncontrollably: "Go, send someone to investigate immediately, and find out what happened to Chongzhou! Find out what happened to my prince!"

"I obey!" Mu Zheng raised his hands and walked out quickly.

Shocked, the emperor's body trembled slightly.

King Ning wanted to step forward to help, but stopped, his eyes showed worry, "Father, it is important to take care of the dragon's body."

The emperor was only worried about the danger of the prince, so he didn't care about what King Ning said, and raised his voice a few decibels, and stopped the commander of the imperial army who had already walked to the door, "Muzheng, you go in person, no matter what, I want to bring the prince back to me safe and sound."

"I will not disgrace the holy order!" The commander of the forbidden army said in a deep voice, walked out of the gate at a faster pace, and disappeared under the steps.

"He is the crown prince, my son! Who is so bold that he dares to attack my son!" The emperor was heartbroken, and he slapped his palms on the table with strong rhythmic sounds like drumsticks. Everyone panicked.

The messenger has been seriously injured so far, and the prince is probably in danger.

Whether it was true or false, all the people in the hall immediately showed expressions of extreme grief.

Only Gu Changci's face was cold, without any trace of sadness.

Although King Ning felt complacent because of the prince's accident, he was more sad than anyone else on his face, and his voice was hoarsely relieved, "Father, brother is the prince, and with the protection of your father, I believe it will be auspicious. I came back safely. You have to take care of the dragon body, don't get too wounded, father."

Saying so, I don't know how much I hope that the prince will never come back, so as not to have to confront him every day!
Several ministers echoed, "Yes, Your Majesty, His Royal Highness King Ning is right. His Highness the Crown Prince is the heir apparent, and his well-being is beyond comparison to ordinary people. He will definitely return safely."

Gu Changci was still as cold as usual.

After coming out of the imperial study, he neither went to Dali Temple nor returned to his residence, but came to Zhan Wang's house.

(End of this chapter)

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