Gong Shao proposed again today

Chapter 1227 Did he admit the wrong person?

Chapter 1227 Did he admit the wrong person? (53)

"Don't worry about it!" Gong Shirao said, "He will come!"

"Gong Shirao...!" Zhan Nanjue called her name, as if his brows were knotted.

"You have to go by yourself! And I didn't ask you to wait with me!" she said.

"So who is this little brother? Did he appear in your life out of thin air? Why did I never know that there was such a person, is he so important to you..."

He asked a series of questions, which he blurted out almost without thinking.

"I want you to take care of it!?" Gong Shirao interrupted him politely before he could finish asking, and said, "He is very important, very important, what's none of your business!?"

"Do you like him?" Zhan Nanjue heard her say so many important things, trembling heart, staring into her eyes, blurted out and asked without thinking.


Seeing her expression, Zhan Nanjue felt his heart twist.Although she didn't answer, her expression seemed to have answered everything.

"You really like him?" He felt his breathing stagnate.

Gong Shirao's cheeks were slightly red, she turned her eyes away from him, and said: "You doctor is really annoying, whoever I like has nothing to do with you, I just like him, it's none of your business!"

"Don't like others casually!" Zhan Nanjue suddenly reached out and grabbed her arm excitedly.

For a moment, she couldn't help but met his eyes. There were too many emotions hidden in his eyes. She didn't understand, but she didn't know why her heart was inexplicably distressed.

Gong Shirao reacted, and suddenly opened his hand out of control, and frowned in disgust, as if she hated his touch.

Seeing the way she frowned, he felt distressed.

So she had someone she liked so much when she was 15 years old?
However, that person did not appear when she was 22 years old.

So, even though he was jealous of this boy, he didn't want her to be hurt because of it...

He said loudly to her: "Don't like him!"

Zhan Nanjue probably realized that his tone of voice was too harsh and disgusted her, so soon, his tone became softer, and he continued:

"Don't rush to pay so much for someone you don't know. Is it worth it? He may not remember who you are at all, and you may never have this person in your future life..."

When Gong Shirao heard what he said, she frowned even more in disapproval and said: "I know what kind of person he is better than anyone else, you are not allowed to slander him!!"

"Gong Shirao..."

"He told me to wait for him, I will wait for as long as I want!!"

"It's impossible for him to come!" Zhan Nanjue said.

Even if the person she was waiting for would come, he should be today in 2010, not now in 2017.

It doesn't matter how long she waits here, she is just waiting for someone who will never show up.

"Then I have to wait too!" Gong Shirao said stubbornly.

It's not that Zhan Nanjue didn't know that she was a stubborn girl, but he didn't expect that her stubbornness was beyond imagination.

"What if he never comes!?" He didn't know what emotion he used to ask this sentence.

Gong Shirao said firmly and without hesitation: "Then I will wait forever!"

She has waited from four years old to 15 years old, so what if she waits another 11 years! ?Her whole life was already decided, just waiting for him to come.

Zhan Nanjue said loudly: "Gong Shirao, your future will be without him!"

(End of this chapter)

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