Gong Shao proposed again today

Chapter 1230 Did he admit the wrong person?

Chapter 1230 Did he admit the wrong person? (56)

The rain had almost stopped.

It's going to be twelve o'clock soon...

Gong Shirao got up to check out, Zhan Nanjue took out his wallet first, "Swipe my card."

"No!" Gong Shirao said, "I eat the most and I pay the bill."

"A man makes a woman pay, I can't do this kind of thing."

"You are machismo!" Gong Shirao said.

Zhan Nanjue still insisted on taking out his card.

Gong Shirao pressed his wrist and pushed his wallet back, preventing him from taking the card.

"At least AA, we are not in a relationship where we can pay for each other."

Zhan Nanjue's body stiffened slightly, "Gong Shirao, do you have to draw a line with me like this?"

"There is no need to draw a clear line between us, because we have nothing to do with each other." Gong Shirao said, "I feel very troubled by your behavior."

It's just a meal, but she actually used 'trouble'.

"Alright then." Zhan Nanjue didn't want to embarrass her either.

Seeing that he let go, Gong Shirao hurriedly went to find her wallet, only then did she realize that she didn't bring a bag.

Then she found that not only did she not bring her bag, she did not bring her money, nor did she bring her mobile phone.

She brought nothing but herself...

By the way, she woke up from the hospital before and pretended to go to the bathroom to sneak out, so she didn't bring anything...


The atmosphere suddenly became very stiff and awkward.

Cashier: "Miss? Are you paying by card or cash?"

"..." I can't call my brother, otherwise he will know about her sneaking out, and my ears will be calloused, Gong Shirao feels speechless, "Look? How much is your daily salary here? Or, How about I help you work to pay off your debts?"

Cashier: "..."

Zhan Nanjue handed the card to the cashier, "Swipe my card. Together."

The cashier quickly accepted the card.

Gong Shirao was extremely embarrassed now, she just wanted to find a hole in the ground to get in, she looked up at the sky speechlessly.

"I'll pay you back when I go back!" Gong Shirao said.

Zhan Nanjue's movements froze suddenly.

"I'm going to the bathroom!" Gong Shirao slipped into the bathroom because she was too embarrassed.

Zhan Nanjue restaurant lit a cigarette outside, wanted to smoke, but didn't. Thinking of Gong Shirao's alienation from him, it was like encountering the most difficult problem in the world.

A cigarette was almost finished, and Gong Shirao hadn't come out yet.Zhan Nanjue thought for a while, then walked towards the restroom of the restaurant.

It's so late at night, she won't want to run over the wall again, right?

Zhan Nanjue stood outside the girls' bathroom for a while, reached out and knocked on the door, trying to make sure if there was anyone inside.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Gong Shirao's voice came from the bathroom...

"That... sister outside! Did you bring sanitary napkins?!"

Zhan Nanjue: "..."

"Sister? My aunt suddenly visited and forgot to take her mobile phone. Can you do me a favor?"

Zhan Nanjue opened his mouth to speak, but he was afraid of scaring her, so he walked directly outside.

It's already this time, and I don't know if the nearby supermarkets are still open.

Zhan Nanjue ran subconsciously. Fortunately, there was a supermarket nearby with lights on. Zhan Nanjue rushed into the rain, and finally went to the store just before closing time.

But soon, he encountered even more difficult problems...

Which one does she usually use?Pink purple blue big and small can't tell what she wants.

So Zhan Nanjue swept away several kinds and went to the front desk to check out, then quickly ran back to the restaurant under the complicated eyes of the other party, and ran straight towards the women's bathroom.

(End of this chapter)

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