Gong Shao proposed again today

Chapter 1272 After this cigarette goes out, don't keep it, I'll go first this time

Chapter 1272 After this cigarette goes out, don't keep it, I'll go first this time (4)

"What gossip, Ji Shao ordered two unique rings from me before, and he designed them himself, and also participated in the processing and polishing. Among them, there are three English letters GSR on the ring, did you see it? The girl next to him."

"They met on Ji Chiming's birthday ten years ago. Young Master Ji fell in love with her at first sight. Today is the tenth year they have known each other. Ji Chiming will propose to Gong Shirao at this birthday party."

"Wow, have you liked a girl for ten years? I didn't expect Ji Shao to be so innocent. Seeing that they really match each other."

Before the speaker finished speaking, he was suddenly splashed with red wine, and couldn't help being shocked: "Who are you, what are you doing! You don't have eyes when you walk!"

Then there was a loud bang, and the speaker fell silent.

Several people looked at the source of the sound, and saw that the glass in Zhan Nanjue's hand fell to the ground and shattered.

"Hand slippery." Zhan Nanjue seemed to be apologizing, but his tone was so cold that it didn't look like an apology at all, but it seemed that his anger might be ignited at any time.

It’s enough to drop the slippery glass on the ground, but can you just pour the red wine directly on the face? !
The person who spoke saw that the other party was Zhan Nanjue, so he didn't dare to provoke him, so he could only resign himself to his fate and said, "It's all right, it's a small matter, I'll just wipe it off."

Zhan Nanjue walked straight past them, all the way to the bathroom.

He stood in front of the sink, looked at himself in the mirror, thought of the way she asked Ji Chiming to help her put on makeup just now, and slammed his hand on the glass table, his eyes were gloomy.

There was a deep undercurrent surging in his eyes, sweeping his mind like a tsunami.

What does she think?
She also fell in love with Ji Chiming?
Are you going to agree to his marriage proposal?

At this moment, Ji Chiming stood on the stage, pulled Gong Shirao, and said to everyone: "Today, I have something to announce to everyone, I want to..."

"I'm sorry senior, I want to go to the bathroom."

Gong Shirao didn't listen to what Ji Chiming was saying at all, she was in a mess, and she didn't realize that she had been dragged to the stage by Ji Chiming, when she finished speaking, the audience fell silent.

Ji Chiming was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Then you go, I will wait here for your return."

Only then did Gong Shirao realize that she was actually standing on the stage, and everyone was looking at her with strange eyes.

Gong Shirao didn't have time to think too much, and ran off the field in a panic.

She ran all the way to the bathroom, and bumped into Zhan Nanjue as soon as she got to the door. For a moment, her whole body became stiff.

I never expected to run into him here!

Gong Shirao opened her mouth to speak, but she didn't know what to say, she lowered her head slowly, and her walking speed also slowed down a lot.

Zhan Nanjue didn't speak.

She was walking very slowly, but they still passed.

He seemed to ignore her as an invisible person.

It was as if he didn't know her at all.

Gong Shirao's whole heart seemed to be in her throat, thinking that he had passed her by, she could still hear his footsteps, as if stepping on the tip of her heart, breaking her heart easily.

It was she who told him not to pester her anymore... Then why would she feel sad now that he passed her by as a stranger?

She stood there in a daze, slowly took a step, and found that her hands were held by someone, and when she came back to her senses, she had already been pushed against the glazed platform by Zhan Nanjue.

He looked into her eyes as if examining her.

She was so shocked that she forgot to struggle.

(End of this chapter)

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