Gong Shao proposed again today

Chapter 1293 I just said I like you now, is there still time

Chapter 1293 I just said I like you now, is there still time (7)

Zhan Nanjue hurried over.

But his movements were very slow, and it took him a while to rush to the side of the bathtub.

push her.

"Gong Shirao?"


"Answer me, answer!!!"

Gong Shirao opened her eyes in a daze.

Zhan Nanjue stroked her forehead, it was so hot.

Is it because of the efficacy of the medicine?
This drug seems to be more effective than others.

Zhan Nanjue felt distressed when he saw it.

"I'll help you up!" Zhan Nanjue said to Gong Shirao.

Gong Shirao shook her head, "Hot..."

"I'm sorry." Zhan Nanjue looked at her like this, and said distressedly: "I..."

"There are still 10 minutes before the medicine you gave will take effect." Gong Shirao avoided his eyes, and her voice became colder when she thought of his rejection. She said, "There are only 10 minutes left." , I... can hold on."

Zhan Nanjue's body was stiff.

"Also, don't come here. Once you come here, I will feel even worse. If you go out, I don't want to see you again." Gong Shirao continued.

"Your arm is injured." Zhan Nanjue stopped and said to her, "Treat the wound first. Alcohol gauze and anti-inflammatory drugs are all here."

Zhan Nanjue said and put everything he said aside.

Gong Shirao thought he would do something.

As a result, he did nothing, turned around and was about to leave.

Gong Shirao looked at the back of him leaving, feeling even more wronged.

He came to deliver medicine to her, and he couldn't even bandage her wound?

Her arm was injured, and he asked her to bandage the wound herself! ?
Too much!
His tenderness is more excessive than his unfeeling.

He didn't like her at all, not even a little bit.

Because he already felt that he didn't owe her anything.So he couldn't even bandage her wound, so even if he saw her in dire straits, he wouldn't save him.

Because I want to draw a clear line with her and separate the relationship, so that she won't be too affectionate to pester him again, isn't she! ?
"Don't worry, I won't pester you!!" Gong Shirao said angrily.

Zhan Nanjue's body froze slightly, his footsteps paused, and then he walked out of the bathroom.

Gong Shirao felt wronged, but she didn't want to cry anymore.

What are you crying for?It's so stupid to cry for someone who doesn't like her! !
She should stop being stupid, can she die without him! ?
She wiped the wound on her arm with alcohol, bit the gauze with her other hand, and circled it around her arm a few times to fix the gauze and tie it into a knot.

The body is still very uncomfortable, and it seems to be getting more and more uncomfortable.

Gong Shirao poured cold water from the top of her head so far, trying to wake herself up a bit.

But the uncomfortable feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

There are still 15 minutes.

She can hold on!

She has already taken the antidote, and she will definitely be able to hold on.

Gong Shirao said this to herself, with mixed feelings in her heart.

She wants to get well soon, she wants to leave here quickly, she doesn't want to stay here again, and she doesn't want to be in the same place with Zhan Nanjue, breathing the oxygen of the same sky.

Never see him again.

This kind of embarrassing thing happened only once in this life.

I am so wronged.I feel cheap, not because she is cheating on him, but because she is cheating on him even if she cheats on him, which is even cheaper.

If it wasn't because she didn't want others to see her current appearance, if she wasn't afraid of what she would encounter when she went out, she wouldn't be willing to stay here for another second.

(End of this chapter)

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