Gong Shao proposed again today

Chapter 1338 Maybe I Like You, More Than I Thought

Chapter 1338 Maybe I Like You, More Than I Thought (12)

Zhan Nanjue stood at the door, paused for a moment, wanted to knock on the door, wanted to see her, but remembered that he was not qualified to provoke her.

Not qualified.

In fact, he has long been disqualified, but now, he is even less qualified.

There was a trace of self-mockery and self-loathing on the corners of Zhan Nanjue's lips.I have never hated myself so much as today!

Thousands of arrows pierce the heart, so it feels like this.

Zhan Nanjue's pupils seemed to lose their color, and he took another step, walking from one side of the office door to the other, walking towards Ou Yimo's ward.

Every step she takes takes one step away from Gong Shirao's office.

Every step you take is a step away from the girl you love.

He never knew that he already liked her so much, and he liked her so much that he was not qualified to like her any more. He would feel that the whole world had lost its brilliance.

Every step I took was like stepping on the edge of a knife, and my heart was cut like a knife.

Finally, he reached the door of Ou Yimo's ward.

He used to think that after he shot Ou Yimo twice, their own past was completely wiped out, without love or hatred.

But now, he really hated her, and also hated himself.

Zhan Nanjue pushed open the door, just in time, a cup from Ou Yimo was thrown over.

He dodged, and the cup fell to the ground, splashing debris all over the floor.

The scene of deja vu had already been performed thousands of times, and he was used to her hysteria, so he just watched her with a blank expression.

Ou Yimo didn't seem to look in the direction of the door at all, crying and shouting.

"What the hell is this report, I don't believe it, this test result must be fake, not mine!! How could I really have a miscarriage, how could I really have a hard time getting pregnant again! I don't believe it, I don't believe it!! "

The assistant grabbed the excited Ou Yimo and shouted over and over again, "Sister Yimo, calm down..."

Ou Yimo directly tore the color ultrasound order into pieces and threw them into the trash can.

"This is fake, it must be fake!!"

Finally, she seemed to see Zhan Nanjue standing at the door, crying and saying, "Ah Zhan, tell me quickly, this is a lie to me, tell me quickly, this is not true..."

Only now did Ou Yimo's assistant see Zhan Nanjue, and quickly said:

"Doctor Zhan, just now Sister Yimo saw the results of the color Doppler ultrasound. It said that her child had a miscarriage and it would be difficult to conceive in the future. The doctor also said that even if she was lucky enough to get pregnant again in the future, because of the rare blood type, the second child... I'm afraid it's also difficult to be healthy...so Yimo sister is very excited, this is too cruel for a woman."

Zhan Nanjue frowned deeply. He already knew when he saw the blood test report just now...

The results of the color Doppler ultrasound were also expected.

There didn't seem to be any emotion in his eyes, he just said to Ou Yimo's assistant calmly and restrainedly: "You go out first."

The assistant nodded and hurried out.

Zhan Nanjue walked towards Ou Yimo stepping on the debris on the floor.

Ou Yimo's eyes overflowed with tears, and she said excitedly: "I knew it would be like this, I knew it would be like this! You still didn't believe me, you made me wait, and let me check, now you believe it!? My child didn't It's all Gong Shirao, all because of her!! I won't let her go, I want her to pay with blood!"

When Zhan Nanjue heard her mention Gong Shirao's name, he frowned suddenly: "Ou Yimo, calm down!"

"Calm down? How to calm down? I'm completely ruined, how can I calm down!!" Ou Yimo burst into tears. "I can't have children anymore, and I can't get pregnant in the future. I have nothing. Are you satisfied!"

Zhan Nanjue's brows were tightened more and more, as if there was a knot that couldn't be untied.

(End of this chapter)

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