Gong Shao proposed again today

Chapter 1360 I'm here to snatch a marriage!

Chapter 1360 I'm here to snatch a marriage! (1)

There are many smoked cigarettes in the trash can next to Zhan Nanjue.

He looked at the screen of the mobile phone. Gong Shirao didn't call him or send him a message.

He almost forgot.They're all over.

She said that she would never bother him again, nor would she pester him.

She said she would be fine and told him not to worry.

Her voice was so calm, and her expression was so indifferent, as if everything was so innocuous, and all of this was what he wanted.

However, his heart was abused like this.

It seems that I will never know the feeling of happiness from now on.

He never knew that losing her would make him suffer so much.I really want to see her, and I don't want to miss her every minute.

However, reason reminded him that he couldn't.

In terms of emotion and reason, he should go to the stage and announce their marriage to Ou Yimo...

In this way, everything will really end.

Gong Shirao's world will never have him again.She will give up on him completely, and then get engaged to Ji Chiming, get married, and even... have their children...

Zhan Nanjue couldn't think anymore.

He put the phone back in his pocket, his heart was surging like a tide.

Suddenly, he took a step forward, intending to walk towards the podium.

At the end of the music, there is a promise he must fulfill.

At the end of the story, there is someone he must protect.Even if he is not around, even if her story no longer has him, he will keep his heart and everything.Only for her in my heart.

Zhan Nanjue stepped forward, walked, and finally arrived at the conference site. The crowd turned their backs to him and were full of interest in Ou Yimo on the podium.

He stood outside the crowd, looking at Ou Yimo on the podium from afar...

His footsteps stopped, and he was about to move again. At this moment, he felt a black shadow in front of his eyes.

He looked at that figure, shocked...

Standing in front of him was a person he never dreamed he would meet here—Gong Shirao?

How can she come?

What is she doing at the press conference! ?Did she want to hear the news that he was going to marry Ou Yimo on the spot?

Her heart won't hurt, and he will feel it too.

"What are you doing here? Get out of here!" Zhan Nanjue said to Gong Shirao before the reporter turned around and saw her.

Gong Shirao was dressed in a red dress. She was very beautiful. Her long hair was slightly curly at the end, like a queen in a fairy tale. Her temperament was noble and she was as beautiful as snow.

She tilted her head and curled her lips carelessly and said, "Snatching a marriage! Didn't I tell you?"


Zhan Nanjue's pupils suddenly constricted, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

However, after being shocked, another layer of indifference appeared on his face, "I thought I told you clearly enough, we also said 'goodbye'."

Gong Shirao's breath was stagnant, and she smiled again: "Goodbye is for reunion. After breaking up, you can pursue again. The end is a new beginning."

She knew that Ou Yimo wasn't pregnant at all, they hadn't even had a relationship, she had recovered her memory, he didn't know, right?
Wait a minute, she will surprise him.

At this moment, Zhan Nanjue's pupils suddenly constricted, as if he couldn't believe what he heard.

Just at this time……

One person discovered Gong Shirao, and another person discovered Zhan Nanjue.

More people found them.

Many people turned their attention to them, as if they were going to rush to interview them.

However, before they all started to move, Gong Shirao took a step forward, walked close to Zhan Nanjue, and kissed him suddenly——

(End of this chapter)

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