Gong Shao proposed again today

Chapter 1369 I'm here to snatch a marriage!

Chapter 1369 I'm here to snatch a marriage! (10)

"How dare you not plead guilty at this time!" Zhan Nanjue's face was condensed.

"No, Ah Zhan, you have to save me. You have saved me every time in the past. You will help me, right? I dare not, I will never dare again...I have reformed myself, really... …real……"

"You've used up too many 'last times'." Zhan Nanjue coldly shook off Ou Yimo's hand.

Thinking that he was almost kept in the dark and almost married her, he felt cold all over.

Ou Yimo fell to the ground, face ashen, and shouted at Zhan Nanjue: "Why, why are you so unfeeling to me!"

"Thank you, thank you for letting me know that you have always used me, thank you for letting me know how vicious you are. I should thank you for using up all my pity, so that I can be so ruthless to you!"

Ou Yimo's eyes widened in shock, tears rolled down from her pupils crazily.

The Zhan Nanjue in front of her, who would never help her again because of her downfall, was a man she was extremely unfamiliar with.

He was cold and heartless, he didn't have the slightest bit of pity for her, not even any mercy!
"You have been at large for too long, Ou Yimo, go and accept punishment!" Zhan Nanjue said to her coldly.

Ou Yimo looked at him in surprise, the words that came out of his mouth circled the whole circle of the air before entering her eardrums.

It was hard for her to understand what he said.

The whole person curled up in excruciating pain.

Do not!
Do not!
In the past, he was the one who helped her settle the situation!
This time he stood by her and ignored her.

Unexpectedly, they even called the police to arrest her!

Ou Yimo suddenly lost control of his emotions and shouted at Zhan Nanjue:

"I do this because I like you, I do this because I like you! I do this because of you!"

"If it weren't for you always looking at others, how could I be like this, how could I be like this?"

"It was you who caused me to become like this, it was you who let me know that I fell in love with you, but you never liked me again...!"

Zhan Nanjue frowned and looked at her.

Ou Yimo screamed, "It's you, it's you, it's you! The culprit is you! You loved me for 18 years, but refused to like me for 19 years, and refused to like me for 30, 40, 50 years !"

"From the very beginning, it was you who provoked me first, it was you who wrote me endless letters, it was you who tried every means to get close to me and treat me well, it was you... it was you who slowly conquered my heart and occupied my heart, Then say no and don't!"

"It's you who went too far! It's you, Zhan Nanjue!"

"You started to like me, why can't you persist until the end, why can't you like me until I die!! It's all your fault, your fault!"

Hearing Ou Yimo's accusation, Zhan Nanjue suddenly became restless.

It was he who was wrong. 19 years ago, he shouldn't have promised her a lifetime just because of a white pigeon.I made a promise for a lifetime and couldn't keep that promise.

However, he still didn't regret the meeting that year.

Because she used to be a very kind girl, he let her understand the fragility of life, and also let him understand the strength of life.

She let him find a future, let him become a doctor.Let him try to be great.

It was beautiful at first.

Unfortunately, time has changed them.

She was no longer the girl in his memory.

He is no longer the original him.

Zhan Nanjue turned his back and grabbed Gong Shirao's hand, saying to her, "Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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