Gong Shao proposed again today

Chapter 1383 I want us to be together!

Chapter 1383 I want us to be together! (11)

"..." Zhan Nanjue coughed and said, "I want you to help me onto the bed."

"..." Gong Shirao was embarrassed, what was going on in her head.

She frantically helped him push the wheelchair to the side of the bed, and helped him onto the bed.

During this period, the fragrance from his body, and the temperature from his body when he held her up, all seemed to be transmitted to her, and her cheeks were hot.

After a while, she finally helped him lie down, but because of too much force, she lost her center of gravity all of a sudden, her whole body leaned and threw herself on his side.

it's wired……

Why did she just exert a little force, but for a moment she felt that her whole body lost all strength?
She rubbed her temples with a headache, and it took a while to realize that she was lying on top of a hot body...

"Have you got enough?" Zhan Nanjue's voice was hoarse and deep.

Gong Shirao woke up like a dream, and she actually lay on top of him again! !

Oh my god, how do I explain that she really didn't mean it, and didn't have any hints, so he would believe it! ?
"I didn't do it on purpose." Gong Shirao said.

"Then you are a little bit sincere." Zhan Nanjue said.

"What sincerity?"

"Get up off me."

"Uh..." He just focused on explaining.Forgot to act!Gong Shirao was so embarrassed that she hurriedly tried to prop herself up.

In the end, for some reason, her hands stretched to a place that shouldn't be touched, where it was scorching hot, Gong Shirao froze for a moment, and quickly pulled away.

Because she was too nervous, she accidentally leaned back again.

"I'm sorry... I didn't do it on purpose!" Gong Shirao wanted to cry but had no tears.


Zhan Nanjue has stopped talking.Gong Shirao wiped off her sweat, "But, what is this?" She stretched out her hand and pinched it twice, to an indescribable place, as if...a little understanding of what it was.

God, what the hell is she doing!Really drunk.

He...what's the matter...?
Have a reaction?

"Natural reaction." Zhan Nanjue said hoarsely.

"..." She really blushed, quickly got up again, and turned her back to him.

Heart beating.

Seeing her covering her cheeks with her hands, he said, "If anyone treats me like this, my reaction will be the same."

His explanation is a little dubious.

In fact, he just didn't want her to be too embarrassed, but why did it seem that the more he explained, the more embarrassing he became?

Cough cough cough...

Gong Shirao blushed, so he just wanted to tell her that she was not special?
its not right……

"How do I remember that Ou Yimo gave you medicine and you didn't respond?" Gong Shirao suddenly asked.

After she finished asking, she realized what an embarrassing question she had asked.

"Should I thank you for curing my hidden disease?" Zhan Nanjue asked back.

"..." Well, she shouldn't have asked!Gong Shirao said: "Forget that I didn't ask!!"

But he obviously doesn't react to anyone...

Gong Shirao didn't know whether she should feel happy or unhappy, so she was stunned for a long time.

"I have to turn off the lights when I sleep." Zhan Nanjue said.

Hearing this, Gong Shirao hurriedly turned off the switch next to the counter.


The world suddenly went dark.

Zhan Nanjue: "..."

He's clearly giving an order to evict the guest, can't she understand?

"I mean, I'm going to sleep."

"Alright, go to sleep." Gong Shirao said.

"……you are here?"

"Wait until you fall asleep."

"I don't have the habit of people watching me sleep."

"In the future, you will get used to it gradually." Gong Shirao said.

"..." Zhan Nanjue was speechless, "You want to watch me sleep all the time?"

"I can keep my back on you and not look at it," she said.

"..." Zhan Nanjue said to Gong Shirao. "It's late, you go to bed"

"I'll sleep when you fall asleep." Gong Shirao said.

"In my room?" Zhan Nanjue's face was tangled.

"It's strange that the doctor is in the patient's room?" Gong Shirao said, "I will check your body at any time to see if there is any abnormality."


"No, no, no...it's not that you are like this now." Gong Shirao quickly explained.

Zhan Nanjue: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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