Gong Shao proposed again today

Chapter 1458 It's You, That Girl When I was a Child, Is It You? !

Chapter 1458 It's You, That Girl When I was a Child, Is It You? ! (36)

He said to her, comforting her to sleep first.

She was really sleepy and slowly lay back on the bed.But the fingers subconsciously held his, not willing to let go...

I'm afraid that he is like a dream, and when he wakes up, he disappears again.

Zhan Nanjue pressed a kiss on her forehead, just like what she had imagined in the picture scroll, giving her a goodnight kiss.

She really feels very happy, why does she want to cry when she feels happy?
She seemed a little out of control of her emotions and became more and more sensitive.

Maybe it was because she had just finished the treatment, she was lethargic and fell asleep soon.

He looked at her sleeping face and couldn't breathe in distress.

What would he do if he lived alone in this world?
He was a little afraid to imagine the world without her.

He used to go through such a long time without her, and never felt any regret or sadness, but after meeting her, after falling in love with her, he felt that he couldn't bear to part for a minute and a second.

'Shirao, I really want to see you in your wedding dress, it must look good.You must be the most beautiful bride in the world, I am so lucky to have you. '

I wish I had married you sooner.

In fact, I don’t even want to wait for a day. I want you to become my bride immediately, and never be separated again.

But still afraid, too anxious will make you suspicious.

I'm sorry, you loved me for 19 years, you waited for me for 19 years, but I didn't know you were waiting for me and you loved me until the end.I love too late.Missed too much, too much, too much...

I'm afraid I don't even have time to make up for it...

Zhan Nanjue remembered that he had seen it on a page of the album.

She wrote: 'Want to be his bride one day, he got down on one knee and proposed to me, put a ring on me, kissed the back of my hand, put me in his arms, gave me a kiss, said he would take care of me All my life.For this, I have waited 19 years.I am not afraid to wait any longer, I am willing to wait another century.I'm afraid I don't have time any more, waiting for the next dawn. '

Her request is so simple, but between the lines is full of hope.As if that was a difficult thing to do, as if it was something that might never come true.

He made her wait too long.He made her love too hard.So let her have the illusion that such an ordinary thing is a luxury.

In love, she was so timid that she didn't know herself. She had always been so cautious, all because of him.

sorry my girl.

I won't make you wait any longer.

Fortunately, he had prepared the ring before, and he had chosen and chosen the wedding dress and dress.

He went to fetch the ring.

Beitang had been standing outside, and when he saw Zhan Nanjue coming out, he immediately stopped him.

"Zhan Nanjue, are you crazy! Why did you lie to her!"

"She agreed to marry me." Zhan Nanjue said.

"But you lied to her!!"

"She needs me, and I need her too." Zhan Nanjue said, "I will make her the most beautiful bride in the world. One day when she marries me, I will make her happy one day. Marry me forever, and I will Let her live happily ever after."

"What if you are not infected!? You really want to marry her!?" Beitang stared at the stubborn Zhan Nanjue with wide eyes. "She might..."

Can't wait for the antidote.

They all know how bad her current situation is.

Nor could he deceive himself.

Her life is in danger at any moment.

Is he going to die alone in the future! ?
Zhan Nanjue said, "In this life, I only want to marry her. Life and death depend on each other."

(End of this chapter)

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