Gong Shao proposed again today

Chapter 1554 What to do?Then get married

Chapter 1554 What to do?Then get married (3)

"Be careful." Seeing that she was about to hit the door, Sheng Qianxia hurried up to grab her and help her open the door.

Sheng Qingxue walked in without saying a word.

Sheng Qianxia looked at Sheng Qingxue's back with a complicated expression.

What the hell happened? ?

She and Beitang... have always been fine.

She picked up the phone and wanted to call Beitang to ask what was going on, but then she thought again, after all, this was a relationship issue between the two of them, and she was never suitable to intervene.

Sheng Qingxue quickly got the report after checking last night.

The doctor looked at the report above and said to her: "Congratulations, Miss Sheng, you are pregnant. The examination report shows that the pregnancy week is about four weeks."

Sheng Qingxue's pupils constricted suddenly, her entire face turned pale, and the report slipped from her fingertips and slowly fell to the ground.

Her voice came over slowly, and the voice was a little unreal, "Pregnant...pregnant?"

The doctor saw that the report card fell on the ground and saw that she was pregnant, so he helped her pick it up again.

"In the first three months, you may feel lethargic and often have morning sickness reactions, which are normal. Pay attention to rest more, and it is best to develop good work and rest habits. When you are three months pregnant, you will come to the hospital to file. Monthly check-ups, if possible, you can go to the pregnancy class with the child's father-to-be."

The report was handed to Sheng Qingxue, the doctor flipped through her medical records casually, and said routinely, "You can go out now."

Sheng Qingxue was in a daze, she stood up and was about to take away the medical records and leave.

"Wait..." The doctor stopped flipping through her medical records, and looked up at her coldly: "Have you had a heart transplant?"

Sheng Qingxue nodded.

"Are you still taking anti-rejection medicine?"


"Then why don't you take proper measures!?"

"Ta... measure?" Sheng Qingxue's face was pale, she didn't know what to do...

The doctor frowned: "Are you married?"


The doctor looked at her with the expression of looking at a girl who had stumbled, and his expression became more and more cold: "Are you going to have this child?"

"I...don't know." Sheng Qingxue's face was pale.

"You young people, why can't you take good care of yourself!" The doctor closed the medical record and handed it to her: "If you are not ready, my suggestion is that it is best not to have children."

Sheng Qingxue's heart ached as if being grabbed by a pair of big hands.

For a moment, it seemed as if tears were about to burst out of my eyes.

The doctor continued:

"First of all, you have been taking anti-rejection drugs, which may have a potential teratogenic risk to the embryo."

"Besides, pregnancy will increase the burden on the heart, and this will become more so in the later stages. Cardiac dysfunction during pregnancy is often more serious than that during non-pregnancy, and it is difficult for doctors to deal with, sometimes threatening the lives of mothers and babies."

Sheng Qingxue's lips trembled, and there was no trace of blood on her face.

The doctor looked at Sheng Qingxue, saw the sparkle in her eyes, and became more patient with her, and his tone was much more relaxed than before.

"If you are going to have a child, you must first go to a cardiologist for medical treatment, do a comprehensive examination, and carefully evaluate the heart condition. You can only conceive with the permission and close observation of a cardiologist."

Sheng Qingxue didn't know what the doctor said. She only caught some key words and thought about it several times before she nodded her head and walked out of the office in a trance with the medical record and report.

(End of this chapter)

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