Gong Shao proposed again today

Chapter 528 Pregnancy Asking for a Monthly Pass

Chapter 528 Pregnancy (7) Asking for a Monthly Pass
She is pregnant?

He wasn't even going to tell her that he was going to abort her child?
Then what?Continue to be nice to her as if nothing had happened, weaving false appearances for her?To make her feel that he loves her, they are finally like other couples, they can love each other, stay together, and...

It turned out not to be possible.

What he wanted was never her love, nor her children.

Everything is the same as before, nothing has changed at all.

But why—

At that moment, countless emotions surged in her mind, her heart seemed to be shattered, and she was suffocating in pain.

Why?When giving her the most beautiful dream, you want to break it with your own hands? !

Didn't he just tell her that he is willing to marry her?

Didn't he just put the ring on her fingertip?
Didn't he just tell her that he loves her in front of so many people?

Are they all fake?
Prepare birthday surprises for her, and prepare fireworks for her.Is it all fake?

Just like what he said, didn't he write down those sensational words casually after reading the magazine, and he could say them casually? !


He just teased her casually, but she was hooked just like that...

Stupid isn't it...?
Sheng Qianxia tightly covered her lips, not letting herself make any sound, and returned to the room lightly.

The whole world seemed to be plunged into darkness.

For the first time, she felt that the study was so cold.

For the first time, she felt that her back was so cold.

For the first time, she felt that the corridor from the study to the room was so cold and terrifying.

And she was always alone.

Always when she trusted him the most, she was severely hurt...

She sobbed.

This time is different from any previous time, because he once had the ultimate tenderness towards her, so it is even more difficult to resist the cruelty this time.

What is a fatal blow, probably this is it?

Sheng Qianxia subconsciously stroked her lower abdomen, it turned out that there was a little life here unknowingly.

Maybe at the moment, it is just a embryonic bud, but slowly, it will grow up, it will become a heartbeat, it will become shaped, and it will have internal organs, six internal organs, six limbs and a hundred bones...

However, before it had time to wait for that day, it was deprived of the right to grow up! !
She didn't even have time to feel the unbridled joy of being a new mother, the ensuing bad news robbed her of her voice, and the sharp pain spread from the apex of her heart to every cell in her body.

He doesn't want her child...!
So he has been taking measures...

Even if such an accident happened, even if this miracle had germinated in her stomach, he must destroy it...!
Tears seemed to break the embankment.She couldn't describe her shock and grief at the moment.It seemed that all the words and sentences she had learned could not describe her sadness at this moment, even in the slightest.

Then, after an unknown amount of time, she heard footsteps outside the door...

She can always easily distinguish the difference between Gong Beiyao's footsteps and other people's footsteps.


Because other people's footsteps are on the ground.

Only his steps stepped on the tip of her heart.

However, he always did not know what to do with his actions, and easily crushed her heart to pieces.

The footsteps were getting closer.

She felt, like a nightmare, getting closer.

She didn't believe it, she must have heard wrong just now...

She didn't believe that all his good things during this time were fake.

Finally, the footsteps stopped——

(End of this chapter)

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