Gong Shao proposed again today

Chapter 530 Pregnancy Asking for a Monthly Pass

Chapter 530 Pregnancy (9) Asking for a Monthly Pass
She didn't even know which one was the real him.

It was him who ruthlessly let him go, made her swear to disappear from his eyes forever, and made her suffer more than death once she fell in love with him.

He still kissed her tenderly, hugged her, told her that he would protect her for the rest of his life, and wanted to give her the whole world.

"Gong Beiyao..."


"I heard that nightmares are always long, and sweet dreams are always short. I'm afraid that what I do next will be nightmares..."

Never ending nightmare!
"What happened to you today?" Gong Beiyao said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

He said, don't be afraid, I'm here.

She used to be moved to cry when she heard this sentence.

But now, when she heard this sentence, she was so scared that she wanted to cry.

Why lie to her?Even if you don't want her child, you can tell her directly.

Why, must she be treated as a fool?
Isn't it, as long as she continues to be an idiot, playing with him until he gets bored.

He could go back and marry whoever was supposed to marry him.

Going back to what Chairman Gong said, where is their 'world' going?

So what does she do?
Her heart, her feelings, her life, who should she confide in her absurdity!

Probably, thinking that you can be with him forever is the real absurdity, right? !

Before Sheng Qianxia could answer him, his cell phone rang suddenly at this moment.

Because the environment was too quiet, the ringtone became extremely clear.

Gong Beiyao looked at the incoming call and pressed it directly.

The ringtone stopped abruptly, as if a half-spoken sentence was suddenly interrupted, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

"Aren't you going to answer?" Sheng Qianxia asked him seemingly unintentionally.

"It's just harassing phone calls." He said softly, "Take you to bed first."

Sheng Qianxia's pupils shone with an unknown light.

He hugged her tightly again, as if he wanted to insert him into his body, his life...

He obviously hugged her very tightly, but she still felt that she didn't feel safe at all.As if the whole world was so empty, so powerless.

She doesn't know where she is, so she has a world that belongs to her.

Sheng Qianxia closed her eyes, trying to forget what she just heard.

She wanted to pretend that she didn't know anything, and then hid in his arms as before, feeling his temperature, his warmth, the length of time, the love of her entire youth, the evidence of her love.

She thought that as long as she felt him, she could pretend that everything was the same...

However, his cell phone text message rang again.

This time, Sheng Qianxia pretended not to hear, closed her eyes, and pretended to be asleep.

But a pretense is a pretense, and the truth always has to be faced.

She is quiet.

He is also so quiet.

However, his mobile phone was not quiet because of this.

His text message rang several times again.

She just suppressed her breath desperately, pretending that she had fallen asleep.

Seeing that Sheng Qianxia was 'asleep', he frowned and opened the text message.

'Come and see me now. '

Then, the other party sent a photo.

The moment Gong Beiyao saw the photo, his eyes widened in shock!

In the photo, Sheng Qianxia was slightly drunk, her cheeks were flushed.In the photo, she only showed her shoulders, which is nothing special, but there are still some bruises on her shoulders... but it is very thought-provoking——

It was the night in the top garden...

He clearly destroyed the photos!

Why... was suddenly sent to his mobile phone.

’ This is just one of the insignificant ones. 'He saw the text message on the mobile phone, and the other party said so.

Finally, with trembling fingers, he pressed the phone and barely typed a few words: 'The location, I'll go there right away. '

The other party quickly sent the address.

Seeing that Sheng Qianxia had fallen asleep, Gong Beiyao got up lightly, put on her clothes and went out with her mobile phone.

Sheng Qianxia heard footsteps and knew that Gong Beiyao had gone out with her on his back.So, he slowly opened his eyes, then got dressed and followed out.

(End of this chapter)

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