The sky-high cute baby, the president's daddy delivered it to the door

Chapter 2076 A family will never be separated again

Chapter 2076 The family will never be separated again
And Qiao Xi's first wish was so simple that it made her sad, she just wanted to eat the dumplings made by her mother herself.

After a long period of chemotherapy, Qiao Xi's appetite has always been poor, she can't eat, and often vomits, and her frail health is getting worse. Looking at Qiao Xi who is getting more and more haggard, Ye Yiwei's heart is about to break.

"Well, let's go buy meat and cabbage now."

The tears in Wang Xiuzhen's eyes had never dried up, and she didn't know how long her daughter could last, her frighteningly pale little face was lifeless, and it seemed that she would leave them at any time.

She was so scared, afraid that one morning, her daughter would never be able to open her big beautiful eyes again. Looking at the world, she was just over 20 years old and didn't even have a boyfriend. A lot, can't just go away.

Ye Yiwei held her mother's hand, her eyes were firm, and she said solemnly: "Mom, don't hide anything from me in the future. I am your daughter, and we are a family. No matter what happens, we must work hard together."

Wang Xiuzhen's teary eyes kept on nodding her head: "Huanhuan, mother's good daughter..."

Ye Yiwei took out a tissue to wipe away the tears on her mother's face, and smiled slightly: "Mom, let's go, let's make dumplings for Xixi."

"Okay, let's go!"

I went to the vegetable market and bought pork, cabbage, shallots, and dumpling wrappers. When I got home, Ye Yiwei helped Wang Xiuzhen, washed the cabbage and chopped them into fine pieces, sprinkled salt and squeezed out the water, and used a blender for half-fat and half-lean pork Break it up, add seasoning, mix well with the squeezed cabbage, and sprinkle with chopped green onion.

Wang Xiuzhen was really about to make dumplings, but was stopped by Ye Yiwei: "Mom, let's take some dumpling wrappers and meat stuffing to the hospital, and take the rice cooker with me, so I can make dumplings and cook them right away, that's great."

"That's right, now that it's wrapped and boiled and brought to the hospital, it's sticky. You're still thinking about it."

An hour later, Qiao Xi, who was lying on the hospital bed, ate the most delicious dumpling in the world.

The little girl was crying while eating, she didn't know how many more times she could eat dumplings, let alone whether she had the life to live until next year's spring, when the weather is getting colder and everything is dying.

She watched her mother making dumplings for her, and she was thinking that if she wanted to survive, she would make dumplings for her mother when she was old, and she would get married and have children, and she would also make dumplings for her children.

"Xixi, don't cry, eat quickly, the dumplings will not taste good when they are cold."

Wiping the tears on Qiao Xi's face, Ye Yiwei smiled and talked to her, and looked closely at the little face without a trace of blood, which was sickly sallow, and the fear of death enveloped her deeply.

"Well, sister, it's delicious."

Qiao Xi's hands were shaking constantly. His hands were swollen due to the long-term IV drip, and he was even more unsteady when holding the chopsticks. He picked up a dumpling and stuffed it into his mouth. He chewed contentedly, with a happy smile on his face.

Although she was also afraid of death, her mother told her not to worry, she would find a way to cure her illness.

Her mother would never lie to her, and she firmly believed that she would recover, go back to school, and complete her unfinished studies.

Qiao Xi's smile also infected Ye Yiwei, it seemed that there was a bright road in front of her, and the further she went, the more open it would be.

Far away from disease and sorrow, only flowers blooming, birds singing and flowers fragrant, that is their future.

After that, their family will never be separated again.

(End of this chapter)

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