Chapter 2079
Taking out the laptop, Ji Yunyi quickly put himself into work with a serious face, while Ye Yiwei still looked up at him when drawing pictures, as if looking for inspiration on his face.

Looking at it, she unconsciously left clean and crisp lines on the drawing paper.

A handsome face quickly appeared on the paper.

Ye Yiwei painted the last stroke, covered her mouth and smiled.

She talked about drawing a design drawing, but ended up drawing his portrait, and her heart was completely occupied by him.

After signing her name in the corner, Ye Yiwei sent the drawing paper to Ji Yunyi's eyes, and it landed lightly on his computer.

Ji Yunyi happily picked it up, and smugly praised: "So I'm so handsome!"

"I'm sick of you!" Ye Yiwei snatched back the portrait, looked left and right with her hands, and sighed, "Oh, who am I painting? Cross-eyed, hooked nose, toad mouth, as ugly as it gets. "

"You're so brave, to slander your husband like this! It seems that you can't do anything if you don't deal with it." Ji Yunyi stood up with a grin, and rushed towards Ye Yiwei, hugging her tightly, and asked aggressively: "Do you still dare to talk nonsense?" ?”

"Don't dare, dare not, but what I said is the truth, look at you, you are cross-eyed, eagle hook..."

The small mouth was blocked, and Ji Yunyi swallowed the rest of the words. Since he wanted him to clean up her, he would be impolite.

Ji Yunyi's fiery big hand pulled the hem of the skirt, and then he stretched it into Ye Yiwei's silk nightdress, greedily sucking and kissing her sweet little mouth, like a hungry wolf, wanting to eat her up.

Seeing the two sticking together like glue, the phone rang at an inappropriate moment.

Panting and letting go of Ye Yiwei, Ji Yunyi picked up the phone on the table angrily.

Check the incoming call and answer it.

"Hello! What's the matter?"

The tone was cold and hard, and the caller wished for luck.

Frowning, Ji Yunyi just replied lightly, "Got it!"

He hung up the phone.

"who is it?"

Leaning in Ji Yunyi's arms, Ye Yiwei raised her bewildered little face, her misty eyes still had some aftertaste.

"A friend." Putting the phone back on the table, it was Jiang Yunfan calling. In front of Ye Yiwei, he didn't want to say more, and he didn't want her to know about some things.

"Oh! Are you going out?"

Although Ye Yiwei's eyes were blurred, she also noticed Ji Yunyi's hesitation.

"Yeah." He nodded, "I'll be back soon."

"Then you go! I'll go to bed after drawing the picture, so don't come back too late."

Leaving Ji Yunyi's embrace, Ye Yiwei felt a bit of chill, hugging her arms, she still had to put on that nightgown, the weather was getting colder and colder, and it was a bit cold to only wear a nightgown.

"I'll be back before twelve o'clock."

Entering the cloakroom of the master bedroom, she came out wearing a more casual outfit, pressed a kiss on Ye Yiwei's forehead, took the car keys and wallet and left, but forgot the mobile phone on the desk in the guest room.

Back in the guest room, Ye Yiwei forced herself to calm down and draw pictures. While drawing, a familiar ringtone suddenly rang. Following the ringtone, she found Ji Yunyi's cell phone left on the desk.

She stretched out her hand and picked up the mobile phone. The flickering name on it was familiar, so she pressed the answer button. Before she could speak, she heard the muttering voice on the other end: "It's been so long, what a shame!" trouble……"

(End of this chapter)

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