Chapter 2095 Angry

Putting her hand on his shoulder, Ye Yiwei's voice was very gentle: "Yunyi, think about it, Xixi is so young, her life has just begun, and our child, his/her life has not yet started, He/she doesn't know anything, let alone suffer..."

Before Ye Yiwei finished speaking, Ji Yunyi shouted angrily: "He/she won't be in pain, but I will. Losing a child will make me very, very painful. Don't say any more, I don't want to hear it."

Are you going to piss him off? Her bean curd head, she doesn't know what she's thinking all day long, making such a stupid decision.

Fortunately, he was clear-headed enough to never allow anything that would harm the child to happen.

"Yunyi..." Ye Yiwei didn't give up and wanted to say something, but was shocked by Ji Yunyi's explosive roar.

"Stop talking! I don't agree with anything."

He was really angry and startled her a lot.

Ye Yiwei fell silent like a chilling cicada, and sat there in a well-regulated manner, not daring to vent her anger. Ji Yunyi's anger was so high that she felt it, and she was even more frightened.

Twisting the strap of the bag with both hands, she is also very contradictory. It has always been her wish to give birth to Yun Yi, and she is also full of fantasies about children.

Every day at home, looking at those cute little faces in the pictorials, my mind is full of children. Her and Ji Yunyi's children must be very cute. Like her, he will also be like him, a combination of the two.


Ye Yiwei let out a long sigh, it really didn't come at the right time.

She gently touched her belly, baby, why did you come now, why not a few months later?
Mom will be delighted to have you here a few months later.

Now is really not the time.

The two remained silent, and Ji Yunyi turned on the car DVD and played soothing piano music.

Ye Yiwei didn't know how to appreciate this kind of elegant art at all, she rested her head on her hands and looked out the window, still thinking about what she should do.

Go back and try to convince him, if you can't convince him, then go for the operation secretly, but what if he finds someone to watch her?

The more I thought about it, the more I felt a headache, Ye Yiwei secretly glanced at Ji Yunyi, his face was gloomy, full of displeasure.

"are you hungry?"

After driving out of Beicheng for more than an hour, Ji Yunyi felt his stomach began to feel a little uncomfortable.

It was only then that he remembered that they didn't even eat dinner, they were too angry just now, and forgot about dinner, but now his stomach began to protest, and he remembered it.

There are still more than 200 kilometers away from Jiangcheng. He can wait until he goes back, but he doesn't know if he can wait.

It is said that pregnant women are easy to get hungry, but she kept silent, with a sad look on her face, as if she had forgotten to eat, so don't starve her child.

Ji Yunyi's heart tightened, and he thought about getting off the highway and finding a place to eat.

I looked at the street sign, I was going to X County soon, so I might as well get off the road in X County.

"Not hungry!" Ye Yiwei shook her head, upset, she had no appetite at all, she didn't want to eat at all.

My mind was in a mess, I couldn't figure it out, it was extremely uncomfortable.

"If you're not hungry, you have to eat. We're going down in County X."

Ji Yunyi hurriedly turned the steering wheel at the fork in the lower road, went down the winding slope, passed the toll booth, and it was County X.

Ye Yiwei can distinguish those familiar buildings even in the dark. After all, this is the place where she grew up for more than ten or twenty years. After leaving, she never came back.
(End of this chapter)

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