Chapter 2244
The bad feeling was getting stronger and stronger, Ye Yiwei didn't dare to sleep anymore.

Now that Ji Yunyi's life or death is uncertain, she must go to him.

Only when she saw that he was safe and sound, could she feel at ease.

Ye Yiwei hurried to Xishan Villa, she had a hunch that Ji Yunyi was nearby, and she didn't go far.

Suddenly, Xishan made a loud bang, and a large area of ​​the mountain collapsed.

There was no rain or thunder, why did the mountain suddenly collapse?

Ye Yiwei ran towards the west mountain, and Meng Zhanyang followed her closely.

"What's going on up there?" Ye Yiwei grabbed a security guard who hurried past and asked about the situation.

"There was an explosion just now. I don't know if anyone was injured." After the security guard finished speaking, he trotted towards the mountain.


How could there be an explosion?
Could it be that the natural gas pipeline exploded?
Impossible, if it was really a natural gas pipeline explosion, this area would have already been in flames.

Ye Yiwei was not a curious person, but she never found Ji Yunyi, so she wanted to go and see everywhere.

As we got closer and closer, by the moonlight, we could clearly see that one side of the mountain had collapsed a lot, and the splashed rocks fell all over the ground.

"How could there be an explosion?" Meng Zhanyang asked the same question as Ye Yiwei.

"I'm wondering too!" Ye Yiwei said, "Let's watch the news tomorrow, maybe the news will be broadcast."

"Yeah." Standing at the foot of the mountain, the collapsed rocks were right next to her, and Ye Yiwei walked around the collapsed place: "I don't know what exploded, but it was so powerful that it exploded even the mountain." Hole."

"That's right." Meng Zhanyang frowned and murmured, "I always thought that the security facilities here are good and relatively safe, but it turned out that such a big explosion happened right under my nose. It seems that this place is not safe."

"It's been fine before, maybe this time it's an accident."

As Ye Yiwei said, she kicked out the rock at her feet. She was about to go back when she suddenly found something under the rock reflecting the moonlight.

She walked over curiously, knelt down to look at the thing, it was a small piece, and she couldn't see it clearly, so she picked it up bravely.

Feeling cold in the hand, she immediately realized that the thing in her hand was a piece of jade, and there was a broken thread hanging from it.

Could it be that the ancient tomb in the mountain was exploded, and the treasures splashed out, allowing her to pick up the treasures?

Ye Yiwei took the jade and walked under the street lamp to examine it carefully, she was so dismayed that she almost burst into tears.

This jade is clearly the piece she gave Ji Yunyi, with the last word of his name "Yi" on the back, at that time she could ask the master to engrave it with small seals, it should be unique in the world.

There was mud and sand on the jade, Ye Yiwei rubbed it off with her fingers, the thread was broken, it was very dirty, Ye Yiwei's hands were covered with mud.

Ji Yunyi promised Ye Yiwei that he would not take the jade down, so here is the jade, what about others?

Ye Yiwei was startled, a bad feeling filled her mind.

She rushed to the place where the jade was being picked up, pushed the stones aside, and yelled like crazy: "Yunyi, Yunyi, are you here, Yunyi, you must have nothing to do..."

Meng Zhanyang was puzzled, and stepped forward to grab her: "How could Ji Yunyi be crushed here?"

"But the jade I gave him is here, he must be here, let me go!"

Ye Yiwei didn't know where the strength came from, she pushed Meng Zhanyang away violently, and then cried while picking up clods.

(End of this chapter)

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