Chapter 2255 A loving father and daughter
"come out!"

With a big move by Ji Yunyi, Nian Nian obediently opened the door and walked out: "Papa."

"Have you washed your hands?" Ji Yunyi hugged Nian Nian on his lap, Ye Yiwei said that he wanted to look like a father, and he was trying to be a good father.

But how should he be a good father?
This is really a big problem.

After dinner in the evening, Ye Yiwei took Ji Yunyi and Nian Nian out to play, and returned home when she was tired.

Ye Yiwei and Niannian sleep in the same room, and Ji Yunyi sleeps in the same room.

After turning off the light, Ji Yunyi tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

After rolling on the bed for a while, Ji Yunyi suddenly jumped up and ran to the next room.

Ye Yiwei was telling a story to Nian Nian when Ji Yunyi in pajamas suddenly barged in and startled her.

All day long, she felt like she was exercising her heart.

Ye Yiwei frowned and said, "Go back to your room and sleep, put on the quilt, don't catch a cold."

"I want to sleep with you, and I also want to listen to your stories." Ji Yunyi pouted dissatisfiedly, got into the bed, and Niannian pressed tightly together, looking at Ye Yiwei eagerly.

"It's too crowded for three people to sleep together." Ye Yiwei moved to the edge of the bed, and could only wait for them to fall asleep and go to the next room to sleep alone.

"No crowding, no crowding." Ji Yunyi felt relieved immediately, and smiled: "Honey, let's tell a story!"

Ye Yiwei cleared her throat and continued to tell the story: "One day, the mother rabbit was going to pull carrots in the mountains, and she told the little rabbit..."

As soon as the story started, Ji Yunyi asked anxiously: "Why do you go to the mountains to pull radishes instead of going to the supermarket to buy radishes? Are there radishes in the mountains? Who planted them?"

Ye Yiwei resisted the urge to seal up Ji Yunyi's drunkenness with tape, and said patiently, "The radishes in the mountains are wild, and they are healthier and more delicious than the radishes sold in the supermarket."

"Oh, so that's the case, then let's go to the mountains to pull radishes in the future!" Ji Yunyi asked Nian Nian: "Nian Nian, do you want to go?"

Niannian nodded: "Of course, mom will take us there tomorrow!"

"Let's go together, don't forget to call me!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely call you."

Niannian hugged Ji Yunyi's neck and kissed him on the cheek.

Seeing how much love the father and daughter had, Ye Yiwei wanted to leave some souvenirs for them.

Ye Yiwei picked up the phone: "Come on, I'll take a picture for you and talk about eggplant."

"Eggplant..." The picture of one big and one small grinning froze.

Ye Yiwei videotaped them again, and the two scrambled to somersault on the bed, letting her record it.

Nian Nian is small and chubby, and she is very flexible when doing somersaults.

But Ji Yunyi couldn't do it anymore, he fell off the bed before he finished his somersault, his foolish appearance made Niannian and Ye Yiwei laugh and lean forward.

Ji Yunyi didn't believe that he couldn't do somersault well, so he turned over on the ground, and Ye Yiwei couldn't stop her even if she wanted to.

Well, as long as he's happy!
Ye Yiwei stepped aside to watch him flip through, and flip through to her heart's content.

Ji Yunyi finally had fun, and Ye Yiwei was about to ask him to change into his pajamas, but he got into the quilt with his body covered in dust, and played with Nian Nian in the quilt.

Could it be a little rougher?
Be sure to change the bedding tomorrow.

The two of them don't need to sleep any longer.

Ye Yiwei turned off the light and said seriously: "Sleep, anyone who talks will be smoked!"

"Hmph, hum..." Nian Nian immediately fell silent, pretending to be snoring.

(End of this chapter)

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