The sky-high cute baby, the president's daddy delivered it to the door

Chapter 2323 The Cat Crying The Mouse Fake Mercy

Chapter 2323 The Cat Crying The Mouse Fake Mercy

"Six hundred!"

"Four hundred is okay, I only have 400 yuan on me!"

"No, no, at least five hundred and eight!"

"I only have four hundred!"

The taxi drove away, and Mo Xiaobai stood on the side of the road in disappointment, watching it drive away. A gust of cold wind whizzed by, like a knife scraping her tear-stained face.

Meng Zhanyang witnessed this scene, went up, opened the wallet, randomly took a stack and handed it to Mo Xiaobai: "Take it!"

The cat cries and the mouse fakes mercy!
Mo Xiaobai stretched out his hand, then retracted it, turned his head, walked towards the bus stop, and made a phone call while walking: "Mom, I can't go back tonight, um, I have to take the bus tomorrow morning, what is going on with Dad now?" That's it, that's good, you can rest too, goodbye!"

Meng Zhanyang stopped in front of Mo Xiaobai: "I'm going to Baihe to meet a friend, get in the car, and drop by!"

"Are you going to Baihe?" Mo Xiaobai looked at Meng Zhanyang in disbelief. Is it real?

Meng Zhanyang coughed lightly in embarrassment: "Cough, are you going?"

In order to go back to see her parents earlier, and to stay outside her father's operating room, she left!
Sitting in the back seat, Mo Xiaobai secretly glanced at Meng Zhanyang who was concentrating on driving. Could he be apologizing to her?
Well, she's a big deal, accept his apology!
Wanting to surprise her parents, Mo Xiaobai didn't call back. The familiar buildings gradually disappeared, and she began to enjoy the scenery of returning home.

In the past few years, she played the piano in a western restaurant, and she seldom went home. Even during the winter and summer vacations, she only stayed at home for a few days.

Mom and Dad, the home she has been dreaming of, is finally going back again!

Shahe County is the hometown of Mo Xiaobai's father and the place where Mo Xiaobai was born.

When he was three years old, Mo Xiaobai moved to Jiangcheng with his father, whose career was thriving.

After more than ten years of ups and downs, at the age of 17, the family moved back to Shahe County and started again.

I was in a hurry to go home and didn't care about eating. I didn't feel it at first, but after 07:30, Mo Xiaobai's stomach started to growl.

Stopping for a rest at the service station on the way, Mo Xiaobai went to buy two boiled corn.

Passed a corn to Meng Zhanyang who was smoking by the flower bed: "There is nothing delicious, only this!"

Meng Zhanyang stubbed out the cigarette butt, glanced at the steaming corn, but didn't pick it up.

I drove wholeheartedly along the way, and didn't feel hungry. Now I smelled the aroma of corn, only to realize that I was already so hungry that my front belly was sticking to my back.

"Just eat it, or you'll be in trouble if you get stomach problems from starvation like my dad did!" Mo Xiaobai opened the plastic bag of corn and delivered it to Meng Zhanyang's mouth.

Meng Zhanyang's deep eyes swept over Mo Xiaobai, and he finally accepted it.

Mo Xiaobai sat down next to Meng Zhanyang, took a bite of corn, and immediately narrowed his eyes with a smile: "It's delicious!"

No longer hungry after eating the corn, Mo Xiaobai drank his saliva and stood up: "Let's go!"

Looking back at Meng Zhanyang's face, he couldn't help but laugh.

What are you laughing at? What's so funny?

Meng Zhanyang frowned and stared at her angrily.

Stared at by Meng Zhanyang, Mo Xiaobai immediately withdrew his smile, buried his head and walked towards his car.

Glancing at him secretly, I couldn't help but want to laugh again.

Mo Xiaobai couldn't hold it back, and after getting in the car, he took out a tissue and gave it to Meng Zhanyang: "Wipe your face!"

"Huh?" Meng Zhanyang turned his head to take a picture in the rearview mirror, only to realize that his face was covered with corn slag.

It turned out that Mo Xiaobai was laughing at this, childish!

Unappreciative, he took out a tissue and wiped it quickly, and drove the car out of the service station at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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