The sky-high cute baby, the president's daddy delivered it to the door

Chapter 2378 Seeing you in one day is like three autumns apart

Chapter 2378 Seeing you in one day is like every three autumns

In the evening, Mo Xiaobai was reviewing CPA in the self-study room of the school library when his muted cell phone suddenly flickered.

Heart clenched, he picked up the phone, stared blankly at the familiar name, finally couldn't hold back, walked out of the study room, and pressed the answer button.

"Is something wrong?"

She tried her best to suppress her surging mood and spoke in an indifferent tone.

Although there were only two short words, Shen Hanyang still heard something wrong.

He pretended to be relaxed and asked with a smile, "Are you in the library?"


He and she seemed to have reached the point where they had nothing to say, trying their best to control their emotions and not let the tears fall.

"I still have 10 minutes to arrive at your school, pack up your things and come out now!" I haven't seen her for a day, and I miss her very much. It's not enough to describe Shen Hanyang's mood at this time.

"If you have anything to say, just talk on the phone, I don't want to go out!"

Can't wait to file for a breakup?
That's okay, let's cut through the mess with a sharp knife, while she is not in deep trouble yet.

"Are you angry with me?" Although he didn't know what Mo Xiaobai was angry about, Shen Hanyang still apologized with an excellent attitude: "Sorry, don't be angry, just smile!"

How can she still laugh, it's not bad if she doesn't cry!
Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, it's better to make it clear earlier, lest she is still here complaining about herself and unable to get out of the shadow of broken love.

Mo Xiaobai took a deep breath and said calmly, "I'll wait for you at the school gate!"

"Okay, it shouldn't be a long wait, I've already got off the expressway around the city."

Shen Hanyang didn't know what Mo Xiaobai was thinking, and when he thought of seeing her soon, he was filled with joy, his breath already smelled of her body fragrance, and the speed of the car unknowingly increased.

After returning to the study room to pack up the books, Mo Xiaobai walked slowly towards the school gate.

She even hoped that this road would never end, so that she would not have to say "goodbye" to Shen Hanyang!
Maybe she is doomed to die alone in this life, love, after all, is nothing.

No matter how long the road is, there will be an end, Mo Xiaobai thought sadly, under her feet is the end of her and Shen Hanyang.

Standing at the gate of the school, the humid night wind in early summer brings the fragrance of green grass.

Smelling this natural scent, Mo Xiaobai's heart slowly calmed down as if it had been washed.

She was already mentally prepared not to embarrass herself, let alone Shen Hanyang.

After all, I still have to thank him for giving her so much care and concern.

The silver-white Porsche smashed into Mo Xiaobai's field of vision like a bolt of lightning.

The sourness suddenly surged up, and a mist filled the eyes.

Can't let Shen Hanyang see her fragility.

Wiping away the tears with his backhand, he forced himself to smile.

He said he liked to see her smile, so she smiled for him.

Even if laughing now is uglier than crying, she will laugh all the way to the end.

"Xiaobai!" Shen Hanyang stopped the car in front of Mo Xiaobai, got out of the car at the fastest speed, and couldn't wait to hug her to comfort her lovesickness.

He deeply realized the feeling of not seeing each other every day is like three autumns.

Missing her so much that he couldn't even wait for tomorrow, so he hurried back.

Mo Xiaobai dodged Shen Hanyang's outstretched hand, retreated to a distance she thought was safe, and looked at him coldly with the corners of his mouth raised: "If you have something to say, speak quickly, don't beat around the bush!"

At this moment, Mo Xiaobai could actually understand Shen Hanyang, choosing between her and Qin Siying, even she would choose Qin Siying herself.

(End of this chapter)

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