The sky-high cute baby, the president's daddy delivered it to the door

Chapter 2444 Buy something good to reward yourself

Chapter 2444 Buy something good to reward yourself
If it was bought for Meng Zhanyang, it would not be expensive, but if she bought it herself, it would not be so expensive.

After working for four months, she only saved more than 1 yuan, and she plans to call her parents back when she saves [-] yuan.

Shy in his pocket, Mo Xiaobai smiled embarrassedly: "Thank you, I'll take a look again!"

Mo Xiaobai was about to leave the jewelry store when he accidentally saw a familiar black car parked by the side of the road.

He faltered and looked over.

Meng Zhanyang's smiling face came into Mo Xiaobai's eyes. He walked around to the passenger seat and opened the car door. Qin Siying put his hand on his shoulder and landed lightly. The two talked and laughed, and entered the opposite shopping mall. .

"Miss, ma'am..."

Mo Xiaobai stood there in a daze, forgot to breathe, and the clerk's soft call brought her back to her senses.

He took a deep breath, looked away, looked at the necklace in the clerk's hand, hesitated for a moment and said, "Wrap this necklace up for me!"

The clerk was overjoyed: "Okay, miss, please wait a moment!"

After paying with Meng Zhanyang's bank card, Mo Xiaobai suddenly felt relieved.

Since Meng Zhanyang said that she can use the money on the card as she likes, why should she pretend to be aloof and live a hard life guarding the gold and silver mountains.

These days, she is indeed exhausted, and she should buy something to reward herself.

Meng Zhanyang was accompanying Qin Siying to choose underwear, and received a notice of account change from the bank.

He raised his eyebrows, deleted the text message, and waited for Qin Siying to put on new underwear for him to give advice.

Immediately afterwards, Meng Zhanyang received another text message from Mo Xiaobai.

"I bought a necklace with your card, 8000 yuan."


Meng Zhanyang only replied three words to her.

The necklace is very beautiful, but Mo Xiaobai is afraid of being robbed while wearing it, and afraid of being stolen in the dormitory. After much deliberation, he decides to put the necklace in Jiangnan Family, which has a top-level security system to ensure the safety of the necklace.

Take a taxi to Jiangnan Shijia, get off at the door, and have to walk a long way to get downstairs.

Mo Xiaobai saw many people playing with their children in the garden of the community, so he couldn't help but slow down and looked at them enviously.

A familiar figure caught Mo Xiaobai's attention, and she jogged over happily: "Chu Xiaomeng, is this your child?"

"Ah, Mo Xiaobai, it's you!" Chu Xiaomeng happily pulled her, pointed at the child in the cart and said, "I'm not married yet, this is my sister's child."

"It's so cute!" Mo Xiaobai squatted down, lying on the side of the cart, carefully stretched out his hand, and stroked the child's thinning hair: "Is it a boy or a girl?"

"Girl!" Chu Xiaomeng also lay beside Mo Xiaobai, holding the little guy's hand: "Look at how small her hand is, she can only hold one of my fingers."

Mo Xiaobai smiled and narrowed his eyes: "Yes, she is so cute, how old is she?"

"More than 40 days!" Chu Xiaomeng was talking, and the little guy opened his big, black and bright eyes: "Look, look, she woke up, looking at you and smiling!"

"Can I hug her?"


With Chu Xiaomeng's help, Mo Xiaobai, who had never held a child before, held the little guy in his arms.

The little guy was lighter than expected, her big beautiful eyes looked at Mo Xiaobai curiously, and she frowned slightly, as if she was full of thoughts.

Chu Xiaomeng kissed the little guy on the cheek: "Baby, are you wondering, who is this beautiful aunt? Why haven't I seen her before? Auntie is my aunt's classmate. Aunt Mo, come on, Aunt Mo, be good!"

(End of this chapter)

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